Re: dfn-ojbect

"object" in an activity is the direct object. For instance, in the
sentence, "John created the note", the "object" is the note.
On Nov 8, 2015 6:37 AM, "Melvin Carvalho" <> wrote:

> On 8 November 2015 at 02:26, James M Snell <> wrote:
>> Nope. Just an editing error. They're two different things
> I've been looking at the friend request example and seeing how we would do
> that in Solid:
> {
>   "@context": [
>     "",
>     {"colleagueOf": ""}
>   ],
>   "@id": "",
>   "@type": "Offer",
>   "actor": "",
>   "object": {
>     "@id": "",
>     "@type": "Relationship",
>     "subject": "",
>     "relationship": "colleagueOf",
>     "object": ""
>   },
>   "target": ""
> }
> I found the naming of Object/object/target slightly confusing in this
> example.
> Object has a number of meanings:
> 1. The Object is the parent class of the activity
> 2. The object is the "object" of an activity ie what is being done
> 3. The object is the "object" of the relationship, ie the "target"
> 4. Object is also an rdf : object as per subject/predicate/object as
> mentioned in reification
> I suppose at this point in time it's much too late to change.
> But just to try and understand the sense.
> Would the "object" in an activity roughly correspond to the term
> "activity" ie what is the activity of this message?
>> On Nov 7, 2015 5:04 PM, "Melvin Carvalho" <>
>> wrote:
>>> Reading through the AS spec I come across two terms:
>>> Object
>>> object
>>> One with capital and one with small.
>>> If I've understood correctly they are slightly different things, but yet
>>> they point to the same URI in the spec.  Is this intentional?

Received on Sunday, 8 November 2015 15:23:07 UTC