Next steps of FPWD for Social API?

Usually when faced with writing the first draft of a FPWD, it requires
having a rough draft of some pre-existing work. Now, given that we are
blessed with three pre-existing designs and that after the Paris F2F the
various people are seeing the core similarities/differences, would now
be a good time to see if a joint draft between the three candidates
could be produced, with one or two neutral editors.

Would Tysekia, Aaron, and someone from SoLiD be up for it?

Any opinions? Volunteers?

Positive: It would force each of the similarities/differences to be
worked out one by one. For example:
Micropub - form-encoding and extensibility
SoLiD - Working with ActivityStreams

Negative: Might create a "Frankenstein" monster that no-one will implement.

My advise to avoid the negative would be to use the user-stories to
guide us and 'pave the cowpaths' in existing specs where there are
similarities, keeping the spec minimalistic.


Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 05:35:46 UTC