reusing Vocabulary terms in Social API (Hypermedia)


Since we start clarifying our direction in Social API, I would like to
discuss leveraging *terms* which we find in existing vocabularies and
new one's which we work on.

First I will make short detour. In Architecture of the World Wide Web,
Volume One we find:

    Good practice: URI opacity

    Agents making use of URIs SHOULD NOT attempt to infer properties
    of the referenced resource.

In context of our work I would interpret it as:
"Since URIs should stay opaque, we SHOULD NOT mandate what to include in
URIs denoting resource in API - no *magic* paths!"

If someone wants to expose all the resources using URIs like


Everything should still work :)

How do we find then things like: *list of elf's friends*?

HYPERMEDIA to the rescue \o/

Many people feel quite comfortable with *link relations*. When someone
publishes and article with multiple pages. This person doesn't need to
follow conventions like: "For second page add /2 to your URL" etc.
Once we fetch (dereference) given web page, we can simple search for
links with rel="next" or rel="prev" leaving publisher freedom to use
whatever they want in their URLs.
One can find many more such link relations on microformats wiki,
referenced in official HTML5 spec!

In similar way everyone could find list of my friends. Once someone
fetches (dereferences) my online profile, could search in it for links
with rel="knows" or rel="follows". Actually RDFa reuses rel attribute
and we can also use similar pattern in JSON-LD or turtle.
(we can find relation/property/predicate *knows* in FOAF or!)

Since I know few thousands of people, and other people find themselves
followed online even by millions of other people. We need a way to avoid
publishing all those links directly on our homepage! One of the proposed
solutions comes from Hydra CG -

  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "",
    "hydra": ""
  "@id": "",
  "name": "elf Pavlik",
  "hydra:collection": [
      "@id": "",
      "name": "elf Pavlik's friends",
      "hydra:manages": {
        "property": "knows",
        "subject": ""
      "@id": "",
      "name": "elf Pavlik's events",
      "hydra:manages": {
        "property": "attendee",
        "object": ""

Even that I chose to use vanity URLs ending with /friends or /events, I
could as well use generic /c251a9aa-bf89-466f-a8d5-a18ea5377f70 and it
will still work. If you read this example carefully you would notice
that I even used attendee relation/property/predicate in *inverse*
direction :)

I will leave it here and I hope we can discuss together various
advantages, and possible drawbacks of such approach...

Cheers :)

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 20:15:20 UTC