Re: a user liking a post

On 08/23/2015 11:12 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 23 August 2015 at 21:14, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <>
> wrote:
>> On 08/23/2015 08:00 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>> If there's no currently reusable equivalent of
>>> in AS2 or another vocab, I think I'll stick to that until an alternative
>>> presents itself.
>>> The former is already in use by openlink, so I think it makes sense to
>>> reuse that, at this point in time.
>> Makes sense! I see need for a strategy which allows people to start with
>> all kind of independent vocabularies (AS2.0 extension if one prefers to
>> see it this way) which later can converge in way which leaves clear
>> upgrade path for machines. Some thoughts in recent IRC logs:
> Very good point.
> Some things can converge, some things cant.  For example, a system that is
> "one to many" cannot converge with a system that is "one to one".
> One useful way to converge vocabularies is to use the (owl) sameAs
> pattern.

To my understanding for vocabulary terms on supposed to use
* owl:equivalentClass
* owl:equivalentProperty
* rdfs:subClassOf
* rdfs:subPropertyOf

Also in case of equivalent ones, and systems which prefer NOT to depend
on run time inference. Migrating data (eg. publishing new revision of
web resource at same URL) after discovery of in used vocabulary, sounds to me like a
pragmatic way which allows everyone to start defining new terms very
freely and than work on converging toward common ones *after* having
some real world experience of using those new terms.

I would like to see how p3k-food, p3k-drink and could get superseded by terms in more
common vocabularies.

Received on Sunday, 23 August 2015 21:38:41 UTC