Re: Agenda for next Social networking task force meeting: 21 May, 10AM ET - noon.

Hi all:

Regarding the challenge *Use cases, requirements, scenarios, and block
diagrams* once that that there is work in progress I seems to me fruitful
to let the Social Business Community Group to pick the work from the Social
Headlights and mature it.


2012/5/21 Jeff Jaffe <>

>  Here is a summary of the discussion for those that were unable to make
> the call.
> As background, the social networking task force was designed to be a
> short-term task force.  It had two major checkpoints, to develop a report
> for the AC meeting last week (in which we received Member input relative to
> W3C and social networking) and to prepare for W3C's internal planning
> meeting (Woods meeting) in mid-July in which W3M decides where we need to
> add resources for next year.  Accordingly, the major topic on today's call
> was what (if any) additional work needs to be done to get ready for the
> Woods meeting; and what venue should be used for continuing work.
> (Also a factor is the travel schedule of our taskforce chair (me) who is
> traveling much of June and in particular has many conflicts with our
> standard Monday meeting time including 28 May (US holiday), 4 June (on
> plane to China), 11 June (Japan), 25 June (offsite MIT meeting), and 2 July
> (vacation).)
> *1. Fall workshop (jointly sponsored)*.  We reviewed the fact that the AC
> breakout expressed strong support for this workshop - based (among other
> things) on the work on use case and requirements.  However, we determined
> that "task force mode" was not the right way to develop this.  This is
> especially because in the recommendations (see slide 8 of the third
> attachment) there needs to be careful discussion with industry players (not
> all of whom are in W3C) on the technical scope and on their involvement.
> Accordingly, next steps were assigned to the team.  Anyone interested in
> participation, please let me know.
> *2. Social apps enabled through Browser assists.*  This interesting idea
> discussed in the attached charts assumes that browsers could access
> personal data in social sites.  The major AC feedback was a concern that
> Terms and conditions (for social sites) might prevent this from happening
> (at least automatically).  This is something that W3C staff counsel should
> look at.  If we determine that this is not a problem, then this probably
> becomes a candidate topic for the fall workshop.
> *3. Use cases, requirements, scenarios, and block diagrams.*  We were
> unclear about the best way to proceed with this work.  It seems unlikely
> that the work can be completed in task force mode since there is a defined
> end date to the task force and much work remains to boil this down.  On the
> other hand, we continue to see good contributions (such as Alberto's latest
> addition to the thread).  We discussed the following ideas to continue the
> work:
>    1. Give the Social Business CG "first right of refusal" to be the
>    place to continue the work.  On the one hand, there has already been
>    overlap of contribution.  So it is logical for a CG (which does not have
>    such a limited time) to pick up the task force work.  On the other hand,
>    the scope of the block diagram is broader than Social Business.
>    2. Spawn a new CG to focus on use case, requirements, scenarios, and
>    block diagrams for social networking overall.
>    3. Continue discussion on this mailing list
>    4. Continue in task force mode and see how far we get by July.
> My personal sense is that we should do (1), possibly leading to (2) - but
> we agreed on the call to poll the task force participants.  Please provide
> your input.
>  Given the scheduling issues (mentioned above), and the assignment of
> "workshop" and "browser assists" to the team, we also concluded that this
> was probably the final task force call.  Of course, if we decide to
> continue "block diagram" in task force mode - we would have additional
> calls.
> Thanks for your participation and please provide your input.
> Jeff
> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: Agenda for next Social
> networking task force meeting: 21 May, 10AM ET - noon.  Resent-Date: Wed,
> 16 May 2012 16:58:10 +0000  Resent-From:  Date: Wed,
> 16 May 2012 12:57:20 -0400  From: Jeff Jaffe <> <>  To:
> <><>
> Here are the particulars for Monday's call.
> Zakim Information
> Team_(SocNet)
> Monday, 21 May 14:00-16:00 UTC (10:00am-12:00pm Boston local)
> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7621 ("SOC1")
> Agenda
> 1. Debrief from AC readout
>    - Ann/Jeff slides, fyi attached
>    - Steve slides, fyi, attached
>    - Summary report from breakout to AC, fyi, attached.
> 2. Next steps
>    - Fulfilling the AC mandate to create high quality joint workshops
>    - Discussion of the best way to continue block diagram work
>        - In task force
>        - In CG
>        - Part of workshop prep
> 3. Schedule for next calls
>    - 28 May, holiday in US
>    - Jeff trip to Asia
>    - Final readout at "Woods" meeting on 12 July.
> Jeff

Alberto Manuel

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 16:20:59 UTC