Re: Pre-Telecon Introductions

I am an associate professor in the SILEX team [1] in the LIRIS research
center, Lyon, France. SILEX stands for "Supporting Interaction and
Learning by Experience".

Our research focus are models and tools to allow the capture of people's
experience when interacting with a system, in order to make this
reusable for different purposes: archiving, analysis, problem solving...
Someone's experience can indeed be reused by different agents:
themselves, computer softwares they are using, or people with whom they
are willing to share that experience.

This last aspect is the one that makes us especially interested in this
Incubator Group, raising a number of the questions addressed by the
charter (interoperability, privacy, etc.). We also think that our
expertise in the domain of experience capture (trace engineering) can be
of interest to the group.

 best regards,

  Pierre-Antoine Champin


Received on Wednesday, 6 May 2009 10:18:50 UTC