Re: Poll: Who would join Social Web XG(s)? 1 or 2 XGs? Telecons?

Le 23 janv. 2009 à 11:43, Harry Halpin a écrit :
> 1) Who would join the Social Web XG? Please add if you are a W3C  
> member
> or not, and if your organization would join W3C.

  I would join this XG (if I find an employer who is W3C Member or a  
an employer who would be in favor of joining W3C)

> 2) Would you prefer one or two XGs? One XG focused on interoperability
> between exisiting work on the social web, and another focused on Best
> Practices? Or should these be done as one XG?

one XG but two different groups inside. People really focusing on what  
has to be done.
Quick, short targets, Small goals, then grow bigger after publishing  
if it has been proved successful.

> 3) Regardless of one or two XGs, different telecons but same  
> listserv to
> facilitate communication? Or one telecon?

two telcons. one list. Avoid editing responsibilities on multiple  

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Friday, 23 January 2009 17:37:36 UTC