RE: Current Draft of possible Deliverables for the group

Hi Karl,

What is the W3C policy on the use/re-use of relevant position papers
submitted for the Workshop as starting points/the foundation elements for
future deliverables?

What might the authors of those papers like to have done with their

Just as an example, there were three papers which touched or focused on the
topic of metrics for communities. 

There were over a dozen which were on the topic of open and distributed
architectures.  Many on contextual awareness as well.

mobile (Swiss): +41 79 436 68 69

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Karl Dubost
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 3:37 AM
Subject: Current Draft of possible Deliverables for the group


I would like to know who has already started to write prose for the work
here on the topic of social networking. The objective is to identify what we
can really done. The charter could take the shape of the content.

A very short template: Title of your document, URI, Author, Short
description (maximum 3 sentences), willing to continue the editing.

Let me start

Title:       Data Independence And Survival Best Practices
Author:      Karl Dubost
Description: Data Independence And Survival Best Practices
              collects ideas around data independence. How to
              better share your data by promoting reusability,
              standards and clear policies. A series of best
              practices and tools for both the users (individual
              or structure) and service providers will be given.
Editing:     80% yes

what/who else?

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Friday, 27 February 2009 09:28:02 UTC