Re: Proposal: Keep Group Unified, Don't Divide into Taskforces

Quick note:

 	It is possible for WGs to have internal task-forces, although most 
seem to get along without them. Given participation levels and the fact 
that XG's are supposed to be light-weight and have, never to my knowledge, 
had task-forces, reinforces my argument against a task-force based model.

 	More importantly, note that one can contribute to a document 
without being an editor, much less being part of a task force.

 	Most importantly, just because there is not a task force does not 
mean that the topic will not be covered. Creating a task force and 
creating special titles does not necessarily lead to more work actually 
being done. I think the topics of the task forces should all be covered, 
and they are more well-served being covered without any additional layer 
of bureaucracy.

 	One example could be HTML5 [1]. It has hundreds of active members, 
including all major browser vendors, and it has a SINGLE task force, which 
is devoted to communicating and co-ordination between HTML5 and XForms 
WGs. A smaller and more usual example would be the RDF and HTML Taskforce, 
chartered to communicate between XHTML2 and the Semantic Web Deployment WG 



On Thu, 26 Feb 2009, Harry Halpin wrote:

> I feel the proposed charter may be too large, due to having too many 
> deliverables (15 at my last count). A smaller charter with (5) deliverables 
> was written earlier. I propose reverting to the earlier charter, and want 
> this discussed at the telecon.  Most  other W3C XGs have a SINGLE 
> deliverable, a final report. I recommend people read the "Quick Start Guide 
> to Incubator Groups" by the W3C and look at the charters of other XGs. [1]
> Also, I believe there is a misunderstanding of the nature of task-forces. 
> Usually task forces are created to communicate *in-between* existing working 
> groups, not *within* working groups. If there are internal task-forces,  will 
> they have separate lists or telecons? Unless this is so, there is no  reason 
> to have separate task-forces. I propose instead we keep the XG simple. Since 
> this proposed charter has therefore become unwieldy [2], I propose that we 
> return to the simpler earlier charter [3]. IMHO I believe the task force 
> model will create a level of unnecessary bureaucracy.
> W3C Process has been developed over years of experience developing 
> specifications like HTML, XML, and more. Having a good and tested process is 
> a good thing. I think it should only be changed as needed, and kept simple.
> Note that deliverables are the contract of  the Incubator Group to the W3C, 
> and it is expected deliverables will be  completed within the XG's time frame 
> (1 year) and have a high-level of quality.
> Extra telecon time can be reserved as needed and task-forces or separate 
> list-servs can be created as needed once the group begins. In general, an 
> open, transparent process with  minimal overhead is the way to go. If there 
> is lots of activity, we can  ask to be made an activity with separate working 
> groups after a year.
> If confused by W3C Process, I suggest people look at the W3C Process document 
> as well for information  about charters and W3C Process in general [4]. This 
> applies especially to  people who are asking for deviations from standard W3C 
> process.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]


 	Harry Halpin
 	Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2009 10:15:36 UTC