On 03/23/2015 10:12 PM, Bassetti, Ann wrote:
> Hi Everyone --
Hi Ann,
> As a reminder, I cannot attend our IG meeting this week. Can someone else please chair?
> Elf made suggestion that the meeting be used for the Use Case TF... but then we did not hear back from anyone on their availability.
I will join this meeting and can help with chairing/scribing, hopefully
this time my sound will not go down, this week staying in another city
and on a different connection :)
To stay honest, even better if you Larry could chair this meeting as Use
Case TF chair. What do you think?
> We have so much to accomplish, I hate to lose the opportunity.
+1 I also cc Harry since he could participate in f2f discussion without
any connectivity issues and hopefully can explain how IG can help with
User Stories / Use Cases / Requirements
Myself I'll take another look at similar document from LDP WG
Ciao o/
> -- Ann
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ [mailto:perpetual-tripper@wwelves.org]
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 1:00 AM
>> To: Bassetti, Ann; Social Interest Group; Larry Hawes
>> Subject: Re: Agenda this week? Need chair next week
>> On 03/16/2015 08:31 PM, Bassetti, Ann wrote:
>>> Hello IG compadres!
>> Hi Ann,
> <clipped earlier part of conversation>
>>> I will not be able to attend the meeting next week. Can someone
>>> volunteer to chair? (My husband is having a small medical procedure,
>>> so I'm taking the day off.)
>> Maybe next week we could do Use Case TF meeting? I can offer help with
>> chairing or maybe Use Case TF chair - Larry, could also do that?
>>> Looking forward to your ideas -- Ann
>>> Ann Bassetti