Sandro's demo / like SWOT0


Here's the link to Sandro's 2 minute YouTube video mentioned at the end of
our call 20 minutes ago.  It was a very small part of an email that Elf
forwarded to, which Sandro posted to Linked Data
Platform WG <> on Nov 9.

I found the video useful as a visual of federated social activity between
platforms.  The example like SWOT0, except that the two people have to know
each other outside of their platforms, there isn't' a linking directory.
It also is sharing text  information instead of a picture.

Climba Cross Cloud Micro-Blogging

Lloyd Fassett
Azteria Inc.
Bend, OR
(541) 848-2440 (PST)

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2014 18:07:28 UTC