Re: Joint Social Business/Federated Social Web CG Telecon on Wednesday (11:00 AM ET/5:00 CET) to discuss new charters and use-cases

hi Harry:

For me it's Ok.

Just send the meeting request.

Alberto Manuel

BPM Conference Portugal

2013/12/1 Harry Halpin <>

> Just noting that I got some private messages that folks from the West
> Coast will have difficulty attending such a time.
> Would people in Europe be OK with doing the meeting relatively late, such
> as 9:00 PM CET? That would make it 3:00 PM for folks on East Coast USA and
> 10:00 AM for folks on the West Coast?
>    cheers,
>       harry
> On 12/01/2013 07:42 PM, Harry Halpin wrote:
>> Everyone,
>> As you may have known, we've been working on two new charters, both for a
>> Social Web Working Group and a Social Web Interest Group. I'm proposing we
>> have a telecon this coming Wedneday Dec 4th to figure this out, at 11:00
>> AM/ET 5:00 CET. Would that work for people?
>> 1) Social IG:
>> 2) Social WG:
>> If so, I'd like also to invite the IndieWeb, ActivityStreams,
>> Pubsubhubbub, and OpenSocial communities on board.
>> We'd like to have community-driven input into the chartering process and
>> to make sure we have rough consensus (and hopefully, soon some more running
>> code) on the aims and charter details. Including details like the name of
>> the group :)
>> In particular, a lot has changed in the Social Web, and before we boot up
>> the new Working Group and Interest Groups, it's time to do another survey
>> of the area. The last survey we did with the Social Web XG was in 2010, and
>> a lot has changed!
>> So, I've put the old survey into the new wiki of the Federated Social Web
>> XG, and we'd like to ask for updates to cover all the things that have
>> happened in the IndieWeb/SocialBiz/etc. space:
>> Overview Report:
>>     thanks!
>>          harry

Received on Sunday, 1 December 2013 21:33:38 UTC