NEW ISSUE: Assertion Protocol-2023 missing RFC 2119

Title: Assertion Protocol-2023 missing RFC 2119

The description of the "requestURI" property has this bullet point: "
MUST appear in the JMS message in the JMS property named
SOAPJMS_requestURI.†  [Definition: Use fault subcode missingRequestURI
if the SOAPJMS_requestURI is missing from the message.†]"

Protocol-2022 captures the first phrase, and Protocol-2023 captures the
"Definition:".  Notice that the definition does not use RFC 2119 keywords.

It is impossible to test Protocol-2023 without also testing 2022.
Further, Protocol-2023 does not contain any RFC 2119 language.  Yet it
is clearly subsidiary to Protocol-2022, and the absence of this language
leaves it unclear as to what MUST be done.  Combining the two statements
will clarify the possible confusion.

Change this text: " MUST appear in the JMS message in the JMS property
named SOAPJMS_requestURI.†  [Definition: Use fault subcode
missingRequestURI if the SOAPJMS_requestURI is missing from the message.†] "

to this:

" appears in the JMS message in the JMS property named
SOAPJMS_requestURI. A fault must be generated with [Definition: subcode
missingRequestURI if the SOAPJMS_requestURI property is missing from the
message.]† "

-Eric Johnson

Received on Monday, 27 July 2009 23:18:42 UTC