Re: [SOAP-JMS] Agenda 2008-06-02


On 2008-06-02 11:11:53 -0400 Roland Merrick 
<> wrote:
> ACTION: Amelia to write up a test proposal due next week [recorded in 

Hmmm.  I have a draft proposal, which I've supplied, for feedback, to 
my TIBCO colleague Eric and to Phil.

However, I haven't heard from either, so I suspect that there may be 
flaws in it that would reduce its utility.  This makes me reluctant to 
propose it to the working group.

Let me know if you would prefer to see it, with warts and all, or if 
it can be delayed until I receive feedback on the draft.

Amelia A. Lewis
Senior Architect
TIBCO/Extensibility, Inc.

Received on Monday, 2 June 2008 15:24:12 UTC