Re: bug 6480: bringing SML & SMl-IF specs in sync with PR versions

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Kumar Pandit writes:

> Henry, can you please confirm [1]?
> Henry/others can you please suggest an answer to [2]?
> [1]
> The PR version adds "<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/2002/xmlspec/xhtml/1.13/xmlspec.xsl"?>" to sml.xml. In the current build, transformxmlspec.xsl explicitly removes any line matching "<?xml-stylesheet" from the generated xml file. We will need to change transformxmlspec.xsl to not remove that line.
> Henry, can you please confirm that this is what we should do?

Yes, I think so.  Since we publish the XML, it's good if it can be
viewed properly online, using the stylesheet. . .

> [2]
> We need to have the following lines in the generated xml:
> <!DOCTYPE spec SYSTEM "xmlspec.dtd"[
> <!ATTLIST spec xmlns:xlink CDATA #IMPLIED>
> ]>
> This line is emitted by the xsl:output element in
> transformxmlspec.xsl. I am not an xslt expert. Can someone suggest
> the parameters to pass to xsl:output so that the above line is
> output?

I'm not sure I understand your publication tool chain.  Are you saying
that the XML I was working with was itself generated by a stylesheet
- From some _other_ XML?  There is no way to get XSLT to add
declarations to the internal subset, we'll have to continue doing that
by hand, as I did.  Not a big deal.

> [3] The PR document removes Henry's name from the list of SML WG
> members in Acknowledgements. Since Henry is now a member, I believe
> his name should no longer be removed therefore I did not make this
> change.


- -- 
       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
                         Half-time member of W3C Team
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
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Received on Monday, 30 March 2009 14:21:07 UTC