bug 6480: bringing SML & SMl-IF specs in sync with PR versions

I looked at the diff between PR version of sml.xml and sml-if.xml files and their current counterparts. I found the following 3 differences.

Henry, can you please confirm [1]?
Henry/others can you please suggest an answer to [2]?

The PR version adds "<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/2002/xmlspec/xhtml/1.13/xmlspec.xsl"?>" to sml.xml. In the current build, transformxmlspec.xsl explicitly removes any line matching "<?xml-stylesheet" from the generated xml file. We will need to change transformxmlspec.xsl to not remove that line.

Henry, can you please confirm that this is what we should do?

We need to have the following lines in the generated xml:

<!DOCTYPE spec SYSTEM "xmlspec.dtd"[
<!ATTLIST spec xmlns:xlink CDATA #IMPLIED>

This line is emitted by the xsl:output element in transformxmlspec.xsl. I am not an xslt expert. Can someone suggest the parameters to pass to xsl:output so that the above line is output?

The PR document removes Henry's name from the list of SML WG members in Acknowledgements. Since Henry is now a member, I believe his name should no longer be removed therefore I did not make this change.

Received on Monday, 9 March 2009 08:28:00 UTC