[w3c sml] Comments on third public draft SML-IF

Just a few comments on the SML-IF draft:


1.	Section 4: there is reference to xsi:schemaLocation occurring in
Schema documents.  I believe this is permitted, but it is extremely rare
and is not referred to again in the text.  Section 4 should more
explicit that xsi:schemaLocation typically occurs in model instance
documents (but must be address wherever it occurs) vs. schemaLocation in
the XSDL <import> (which also has to be addressed).
2.	Section 4.1:  Given the hoops that a processor has to go to
dereference a document by means of an EPR (e.g., out-of-bound
information may be required), do we still want to say that a locator can
be an EPR?
3.	In section 4.1, correct "pseudoschema" vs. "pseudo-schema".
4.	A statement in the introduction to section 4.4 is somewhat
confusing.  The statement is made (after the first set of numbered
items) about "This proposal...".  THIS (specification) is no longer a
proposal.  Also, this statement states that the "proposal" pertains SML
model validation, not SML-IF validation.  Isn't it natural for reader to
ask, What, then, is it doing in the SML-IF spec?


Kirk Wilson, Ph.D.

CA, Inc.

Research Staff Member, CA Labs

Intellectual Property and Standards

Council of Technical Excellence

Tele: 603 823 7146  (preferred)

Cell: 603 991 8873

Fax: 603 823 7148



Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2008 20:43:30 UTC