Re: [Bug 4632] Use of IRIs

> 3.    Most XML schema 1.0 processor implementations do not support IRIs. 
> means that SML implementations that use an off-the-shelf schema 1.0 
> will need to provide additional implementation to support IRIs. 
> RFC 3987 (46 pages long) is non-trivial amount of work. This is an 
> implementation burden given that internationalization is already 
possible as
> described in #1.

Excellent, this will make a decision much simpler. Please share the 
research you did that led to this conclusion: which implementations you 
surveyed, which support IRIs, and pointers to the relevant reference(s).

> 4.    If we decide to align SML spec with XML schema 1.1 in a future 
> we will automatically get IRI functionality as schema 1.1 is aligned 
with the

This does not seem to follow from the rest of your email, especially in 
light of MSM's addition.  If the value space of XML Schema 1.0 anyURI is a 
superset of the IRI value space, what exactly did you gain by switching 
schema processors except the unchecked assurance that the value can play 
the role of a URI (1.0) or IRI (1.1)?  It seems like the SML processor 
supporting XSDL 1.1 would still have to change to implement those 47 long 
pages of IRI RFC, no?

It would also seem to introduce new ways to break interop, although since 
I have yet to read XSDL 1.1 I'll rely on the schema experts to correct me. 
 If I have a schema document valid using both XSDL 1.0 and XSDL 1.1, a 
bi-lingual producer told via run-time option to produce an SMLIF instance 
as XSDL 1.1-compliant, and a consumer told to interpret that instance as 
XSDL 1.0-compliant, I seem to have just changed the interpretation of the 
anyURI values w/o touching the document.  And unless said values are 
actually de-referenced (vs only being compared as document aliases) it 
seems unlikely that this will be detected...assuming the coders were lazy 
and/or did not realize that "anyURI" validation did not actually restrict 
the value space to RFC3986-acceptable characters.

Best Regards, John

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Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2007 07:02:34 UTC