- From: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 11:40:31 +0900
- To: public-smart-cities@w3.org
available at: https://www.w3.org/2025/02/18-smart-cities-minutes.html also as text below. The slot 2 meeting participants agreed to have one single slot on Monday one hour later than the original slot 1 call (=chaging t 6am Pacific). So we'd like to hold the call at 9am Eastern on March 17 for the next meeting in March. However, please note that US Dayight Saving Time will start on March 9, and "9am Eastern" will be: * 6am Pacific * 10am Atlantic * 1pm UK (will be 2pm in April) * 2pm Europe (will be 3pm in April) * 9pm China * 10pm Japan Please see also: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20250317T130000&p1=137&p2=43&p3=tz_at&p4=1440&p5=136&p6=195&p7=101&p8=33&p9=236&p10=248 Thanks, Kazuyuki --- [1]W3C [1] https://www.w3.org/ ¡V DRAFT ¡V Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG - Slot 2 18 February 2025 [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log. [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-smart-cities/2025Feb/0001.html [3] https://www.w3.org/2025/02/18-smart-cities-irc Attendees Present Daihei, Daihei_Shiohama, Hiroki_Endo, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster Regrets - Chair Koster Scribe kaz, mjk Contents 1. [4]Introductions 2. [5]Logistics 1. [6]Meeting schedule 2. [7]GitHub 3. [8]Charter 4. [9]Next steps 5. [10]AOB? 6. [11]Summary of resolutions Meeting minutes Introductions Kaz: Team Contact Daihei: Shiohama from Media Do ¡K living in San Diego Hiroki: Endo from NHK ¡K Chair of the MCM-JP CG ¡K participating in WoT and MEIG as well Kunihiko: from Hitachi ¡K working for WoT around Discovery, etc. ¡K regarding smart city topic, expecting this IG as a bridge for the existing SDOs and standards around smart cities (Koster joins and we do quick intro again) Koster: science and engineering background ¡K IoT and Digital Twins ¡K created digital twin-based building automation systems Kaz: Michael is the Chair of this IG ¡K also co-Chair of the WoT-WG/IG Daihei: would like to work on new areas for publishing, and interested in smart cities and digital twins Hiroki: Hiroki Endo from NHK ¡K from Tokyo, Japan ¡K I'm a research engineer from NHK, a public broadcaster ¡K I'm the Chair of the Medea Content Metadata CG Kunihiko: Kunihik Toumura from Hitachi ¡K working for WoT around Architecture and Discovery ¡K would like to see the gaps between the existing standards and the current situation around smart cities Logistics Meeting schedule Kaz: there was a proposal to move the Monday slot one hour later ¡K to accommodate Pacific/Asia guys also ¡K but would that be feasible? Daihei: the question is if we could make some slot for each area ¡K slot 1 is 5 or 6 am in California on Monday ¡K if the other participants are OK, I can join that slot Hiroki: technically, both would be OK ¡K but morning would be better, though Kunihiko: also OK with the both slots Kaz: thank you all! ¡K sorry about the inconvenience but would be great if we could have one specific slot ¡K Koster, would it be OK by you too? Koster: yeah, fine by me ¡K we can proceed with the direction then RESOLUTION: Slot 2 participants are OK to have one single slot on Monday at 11pm JST GitHub Koster: we'd like to use GitHub repo to manage agenda and resources ¡K would be better to have one place for that purpose ¡K anyone has any issue about that? (no problems) Kaz: ok ¡K I'll create a repo Koster: any other considerations around logistics? (none) Charter [12]IG Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities Interest Group Charter [12] https://www.w3.org/2024/06/smart-cities/ Kaz: (reviewing the charter document) Kaz: the charter started early in the year but we started the discussion at TPAC [ Koster is the chair and Kaz is the team contact ] Kaz: The work is to identify stakeholders across industry, survey technologies, and determine best practices <kaz> Scope Summary: <kaz> Identification of stakeholders from the industries, countries/cities and communities to involve in the group's discussion <kaz> Survey on the existing technologies and standards for Smart Cities, e.g., possible building blocks of Digital Twin Framework and standardized Vocabularies for Smart Cities <kaz> Best Practices on what kind of technologies to be applied to what kind of Smart Cities applications, e.g., WoT, Automotive, Geospatial, VR/AR, Speech and Semantic Web to be applied to improved accessibility, visitor guidance and energy management <kaz> Use cases and requirements for Smart Cities Kaz: The deliverables are structured around these areas <kaz> Deliverables: <kaz> Survey on the existing technologies and standards for Smart Cities (Technology Landscape) <kaz> Best Practices on what technologies, e.g., WoT, Automotive, Geospatial, VR/AR, Speech and Semantic Web, to be applied for what kind of Smart Cities applications, e.g., improved accessibility, visitor guidance and energy management. <kaz> Use cases and requirements for Smart Cities Kaz: (reviews the list of related groups and liaisons) Kaz: what are you opinions about other deliverables? Hiroki: We should add the Media Contents Japan CG Kaz: we can add more deliverables later Next steps Koster: what are the next steps? Kaz: let's update the lists of the stakeholders on GitHub ¡K also start to invite key stakeholders to our calls Koster: sounds good ¡K in addition to the official IG deliverables, we're expected to generate a Team Report around smart cities Kaz: right ¡K I'd like to generate some short whitepaper about smart cities based on the Charter Koster: ok ¡K then last night, McCool proposed we collect resources on GitHub Kaz: right ¡K I can generate some template MD for that purpose Koster: the "resources" should include the list of stakeholders ¡K survey on the existing standards, etc. ¡K then plan and prioritize our "deliverables" ¡K what else at the moment? Kaz: yeah, let's start with those initial points Koster: ok. we can find what our gaps are later ¡K regarding our liaisons, we should clarify the scope of each liaison ¡K for example, geolocation data is very important ¡K good area to work with OGC and SDW WG ¡K smart city topics is very broad ¡K ISO, IEC and JTC1, e.g., SC41 have made progress ¡K we've got liaison (via WoT) with ETSI/FIWARE ¡K property graphs from NGSI-LD ¡K good to know about their latest situation ¡K so making actual contacts with them and invite them to our calls would make sense Kaz: we can talk with Torbjorn Larin who works for both the Nordic Chapter CG and JTC1 Koster: right ¡K we should consider system developers also Kaz: yeah, I have contacts from Takenaka, etc. Koster: working on smart buildings? Kaz: right Koster: what about ECHONET? Kaz: these days they're working on electric power grid also Koster: energy management is important ¡K could involve energy power companies also ¡K so we have liaison targets and will have a list of them on GitHub ¡K any other suggestions? Kaz: we can generate another document about existing documents ¡K e.g., Mozilla's document about data governance and security Koster: yeah Kaz: will generate several template MDs for those topics Hiroki: would propose we work on gap analysis too ¡K wondering about the scope of the survey ¡K survey first and then gap analysis Koster: yeah, very good point ¡K along with the use cases and requirements, we can do gap analysis AOB? Koster: we have 2 more minutes ¡K any other business for today? ¡K the next meeting will be held in March ¡K we don't have many assignments so far Kaz: after I create the GitHub repo, everybody can work hard on the content :) Daihei: would like to share this group's aims to the publishing companies ¡K would be great to show them brief description about the IG Koster: so-called "one pager"? Daihei: yeah ¡K concise document about why people need to work on smart cities Kaz: let's have some more discussion about that offline Koster: ok ¡K any other business before adjourned? (none) Koster: thank you very much for agreeing to the one single slot! ¡K talk to you all in March for the next call ¡K please put your ideas on GitHub [adjourned] Summary of resolutions 1. [13]Slot 2 participants are OK to have one single slot on Monday at 11pm JST Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by [14]scribe.perl version 242 (Fri Dec 20 18:32:17 2024 UTC). [14] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html
Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2025 02:40:34 UTC