- From: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 01:37:08 +0900
- To: public-smart-cities@w3.org
available at: https://www.w3.org/2025/02/17-smart-cities-minutes.html also as text below. Thanks, Kazuyuki --- [1]W3C [1] https://www.w3.org/ ¡V DRAFT ¡V Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG 17 February 2025 [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log. [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-smart-cities/2025Feb/0001.html [3] https://www.w3.org/2025/02/17-smart-cities-irc Attendees Present Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiniko_Toumura, Lieven_Raes, Linda_van_den_Brink, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Raul_Garcia_Castro, Song_Xu, Tomoaki_Mizushima Regrets - Chair Koster Scribe kaz, mjk, McCool Contents 1. [4]Introductions 2. [5]Logistics 1. [6]Meeting schedule 2. [7]GitHub 3. [8]Any other logistics issue? 3. [9]Quick review of IG Charter 4. [10]Discussion 1. [11]Liaisons 2. [12]Existing resources 3. [13]Deliverables? 5. [14]Next meeting 6. [15]Summary of action items Meeting minutes Introductions Koster: working on smart building. device architect ¡K also co-chairing WoT and bunch of standards (Michael Koster is the Chair of the IG) Kaz: Team Contact Song: China Mobile Mizushima: IRI japan ¡K working on WoT WG/IG Lieven: interested in Digital Twins ¡K quite a lot experience ¡K predict the impact of the smart cities McCool: Intel ¡K also co-Chair of WoT ¡K a lot experience on parallel computing, edge computing, AI, ... Raul: work at university Madrid ¡K ontology-related research ¡K knowledge graph, etc., also ¡K committing to SSN Ontology Linda: Geonovum from Netherland ¡K also working for OGC ¡K used to chair the SDW group Toumura: Hitachi ¡K working on integration ¡K want to know how to combine multiple technologies Song: (better audio) ¡K co-Chairing the Web&Networks IG ¡K working with McCool about several projects ¡K also work for W3C as AB Logistics Meeting schedule McCool: we have two slots ¡K there are pros and cons <Song> Sorry to correct, AB not BoD. :) kaz McCool: maybe we could move this one hour later, for example [16]1st Doodle [16] https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e7Yy1x1b Kaz: if we can move that call, we can consider that as an additional candidate Koster: ok by me Kaz: we should ask the other people's opinions Koster: any problems, all? ¡K one single slot would be better Linda: one hour earlier / later would be ok Mizushima: slots around this time is ok <Song> I also prefer to night time, +/- 1hr works Toumura: one-hour later than this slot is ok Kaz: what about you, Raul Raul: good Kaz: I'll ask Daihei about his availability Koster: good GitHub Koster: Kaz proposes to create a GitHub repo ¡K should we have wiki also? Kaz: would suggest we simply use GitHub only :) McCool: easier to use only one MD notation :) Koster: ok <Linda> +1 for github Koster: would make sense ACTION: kaz to create a GitHub repo for smart cities IG Any other logistics issue? (none) Quick review of IG Charter <kaz> [17]IG Charter [17] https://www.w3.org/2024/06/smart-cities/ Kaz: shares screen with the IG Charter and walks through ¡K we may need to add some liaison groups ¡K for example spatial data ¡K the biggest issue is we are 6 months late in the process ¡K the biggest question is how to create a web based platform for smart city digital twins <kaz> Scope Summary <kaz> Identification of stakeholders from the industries, countries/cities and communities to involve in the group's discussion <kaz> Survey on the existing technologies and standards for Smart Cities, e.g., possible building blocks of Digital Twin Framework and standardized Vocabularies for Smart Cities <kaz> Best Practices on what kind of technologies to be applied to what kind of Smart Cities applications, e.g., WoT, Automotive, Geospatial, VR/AR, Speech and Semantic Web to be applied to improved accessibility, visitor guidance and energy management <kaz> Use cases and requirements for Smart Cities Discussion McCool: the scope is quite broad, what is the priority McCool: we should prioritize other W3C activities ¡K also think about gaps, what is gaps Kaz: right ¡K let's discuss which group to start with first then [18]Coordination [18] https://www.w3.org/2024/06/smart-cities/#coordination Koster: Spatial Data McCool: RDF-Star ¡K maybe we don't need to handle it ourselves in the end but we can look into their work ¡K note that different groups tackle different approaches ¡K need to understand how linked data is handled by them Kaz: maybe we can use the GitHub repo to continue our research for those topics McCool: we can use GitHub Issues mechanism for that purpose Koster: ok ¡K we can start with creating GitHub Issues to initiate discussion Kaz: once I've created a GitHub repo, you can create an Issue, McCool :) McCool: and invite people to do so as well Liaisons McCool: organizations working on smart cities in general ¡K not necessarily an SDO ¡K intersection with the Web would narrow the scope later ¡K there are three bubbles here ¡K 1. Smart Cities ¡K 2. Web ¡K 3. Digital Twins Koster: right ¡K given the success of ETSI around NGSI-LD ¡K some of the groups working on smart cities would make sense ¡K like a group of Matter Existing resources McCool: should have resources.md to gather information ¡K short summary of the topics Koster: yeah Kaz: shall I do that? McCool: good ¡K we should invite people to review it ¡K also we can talk about our priority as well Koster: like the NGSI-LD guys McCool: right ¡K how to deal with geolocation information is important Kaz: right ¡K we can ask Linda for help :) Koster: that would be a good place for the discussion Deliverables? McCool: can talk about our deliverables? Koster: good question * Survey on the existing technologies and standards for Smart Cities (Technology Landscape) * Best Practices on what technologies, e.g., WoT, Automotive, Geospatial , VR/AR, Speech and Semantic Web, to be applied for what kind of Smart Cities a pplications, e.g., improved accessibility, visitor guidance and energy management. * Use cases and requirements for Smart Cities McCool: according to the Charter, the deliverables are as above Lieven: meet a requirement or not ¡K meet a feature also ¡K what about prediction, cross-domain integration, etc. ¡K once formulate the requirements, should analyze possible gaps with potential standards McCool: good point ¡K e.g., WoT is organizing user stories ¡K analyzing the purpose of the task Lieven: would support that <McCool> suggest user story approach, As an X I need Y in order to Z. Z is purpose, can also be a task (e.g. in order to make decisions based on data). <McCool> X is stakeholder, Y is feature (e.g. property graphs) Kaz: another topics is possible Team Report about Smart Cities ¡K I can generate some document based on the Charter ¡K and I believe it would be useful for our IG discussion as well Next meeting Koster: next week ¡K will update the agenda on the GitHub repo [adjourned] Summary of action items 1. [19]kaz to create a GitHub repo for smart cities IG Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by [20]scribe.perl version 242 (Fri Dec 20 18:32:17 2024 UTC). [20] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html
Received on Monday, 17 February 2025 16:37:11 UTC