Document link change was: WCAG Silver Harm from motion Subgroup, week 1 meeting, July 24 at 8am EDT

Some of the tweaks from starting up a new process.  The scratchpad 
document did not have the correct permissions and could not be updated 
to the correct permissions due to corporate policies.  The new document 
is Harm from Motion Guideline Scratchpad. 
I have removed edit access to the old version, linked to the new 
version, and created a new copy where everyone has comment and suggest 

Apologies for the confusion.


On 7/24/2023 9:13 AM, Rain Michaels wrote:
> Thank you for a great start to our Harm from Motion subgroup.
> Meeting minutes:
> Next steps:
>   * Subgroup members, please review the prior work
>     <>
>     we identified during our first meeting
>   * Subgroup members, brainstorm and add to the list of user stories,
>     use cases, and/or functional needs here:
>   * *Our next meeting will be on Monday, 31 of July, at 9am EDT*
>       o We made the decision to move the subgroup meeting time 1 hour
>         later to be inclusive of more timezones
> Warmly,
> Rain
> Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands  
> Rain Breaw Michaels
> Design Lead, Accessibility UX
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 5:37 PM Rain Michaels <> wrote:
>     Dear AGWG,
>     The *Harm from motion Subgroup* will have our first meeting, week
>     1, on *Monday, July 24 at 8am ETD*.
>     Many of you have signed up
>     (,
>     but if not don't worry, you are still welcome to join. Before
>     joining the meeting, please do review the subgroup handbook:
>     Agenda:
>       * Introductions (if necessary)
>       * Finalize goals
>       * Work on plan of action
>     Meeting details:
>       * Local meeting time:
>         <>
>       * Dial-up info:
>           o (Same as Silver TF, note that this page has the Silver TF
>             time on it, not the subgroup's)
>       * IRC:
>       * Subgroup page:
>     Looking forward to our first meeting.
>     Warmly,
>     Rain
>     Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands  
>     Rain Breaw Michaels
>     Design Lead, Accessibility UX

Received on Monday, 24 July 2023 14:29:10 UTC