Re: Agenda for Silver meeting of Friday 29 October 2021

Hey folks,

Here are the minutes for today's meeting:

In summary, the group first discussed TPAC. Particularly focusing on the
joint meeting with EPUB on metadata. After that, the group did a
retrospective on how WCAG 3 & AG WG CFC processes were applied to work from
the errors subgroup. Time ran out, and a follow-up will need to happen.

Kind regards,

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:23 PM Shawn Lauriat <> wrote:

> agenda+ Blameless post-mortem of WCAG 3 & AG WG CFC process
> Conference call info <> -
> Reminder to please sign up to scribe
> <>!
> P.S. We'll walk through the blameless post-mortem approach at a high level
> when we get there, but this description of Postmortem Culture
> <> explains the approach
> if you'd prefer to read ahead of time.

*Wilco Fiers*
Axe-core & Axe-linter product owner - WCAG 3 Project Manager - Facilitator
ACT Task Force

Received on Friday, 29 October 2021 15:07:14 UTC