[Conformance] Minutes from 14 October

Minutes from the Silver Conformance Options subgroup teleconference of
Thursday 14 October are provided here.

*            Decision to meet next Thursday, but not the 28th
*            Discussion on how to satisfy Media concerns raised in AGWG.
*            Discussion on how to proceed with both Media and Sampling

Hypertext minutes available at:



                                                                                                            - DRAFT -
                                                                                               Silver Conformance Options Subgroup

14 Oct 2021

   IRC log.


          Bryan, JF, maryjom, sajkaj, ToddLibby, Wilco_

          Azlan_Cuttilan, Bruce_Bailey




    1. Agenda Review & Administrative Items
    2. TPAC Survival Guide
    3. Media Continued https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Media.Next
    4. Sampling & Reporting -- Initial Use Cases https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgiOg3CZz-LAVxRT0CWUTWHzyVa3UrjqdU4NvoyUZ_8/

Meeting minutes

   sajkaj: not meeting coming week

   Wilco_: AWAG continuing to meet, not Silver

   Wilco_: AGWG continuing to meet

   sajkaj: note is publishing by working group

   sajkaj: looking forward to understanding schema

   sajkaj: may be of interest to this group

   PeterKorn: happy to meet next week

   sajkaj: we will be next week

  Agenda Review & Administrative Items

  TPAC Survival Guide

   sajkaj: TPAC 3 things to know

   sajkaj: sign up

   sajkaj: little bit of process, log into W3C account

   sajkaj: wait for email, use code

   sajkaj: login and sign up for meeting

   sajkaj: will incorporate zoom, will get 30 or 5 min before call

   sajkaj: be ready to get on IRC

   sajkaj: keep in touch with people

   sajkaj: expect some level of gotchas

  Media Continued https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Media.Next

   sajkaj: media continued - looking at comments

   sajkaj: address considerations - no exemptions

   sajkaj: guidelines provide detail, can we provide a conformance options?

   sajkaj: inform users when circumstances like legacy media

   <PeterKorn> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#sign-language-prerecorded

   PeterKorn: exemption discussion like ASL

   is an AAA requirement

   PeterKorn: real-world example like audio live

   PeterKorn: radio broadcast is not accessible

   PeterKorn: we let media content sit till it is worked out

   PeterKorn: how should we try to address this in a new way?

   sajkaj: WCAG 2.x isn't giving this to us

   sajkaj: until we have guidelines this is hard

   Wilco_: is the issue that we are taking things away?

   Wilco_: we don't think of this as a serious problem

   Wilco_: hard to get it accepted

   sajkaj: may be on to something

   JF: key selling for WCAG 3 is that you are good but not great

   JF: if constrained we should point to something normative

   sajkaj: we keep hearing back that people feel we are taking away

   shadi: different issues might be weighted different

   shadi: another exception might not come from WCAG

   shadi: issue in some situation may be policy issue

   Wilco_: i think we are taking things away

   Wilco_: wonder if we need to be pro-active in acknowledging that

   sajkaj: add some practical things that are achievable

   sajkaj: hair salon in use case example of where to leave to other process

   sajkaj: ASL good example

   sajkaj: maybe will see more

   PeterKorn: resonate with Wilco

   PeterKorn: absent conformance it's tough to bring people along

   PeterKorn: not on a path to getting where we want to be

   PeterKorn: that's informing me

   <JF> +1 to Peter - we need to start being pragmatic to our ask

   PeterKorn: do we refine now and be upfront?

   PeterKorn: or do we let this sit and focus on something else?

   sajkaj: get on AGWG agenda not practicable soon

   sajkaj: conversation along these lines to get people to be forthcoming

   PeterKorn: Sara suggested changes

   PeterKorn: do 1:1 to see if we can address concerns

   bring back not sooner than november

   sajkaj: changes are small

   PeterKorn: not bring forth unless happy

   PeterKorn: that's important

   sajkaj: leave on agenda for next week

   PeterKorn: yes

   sajkaj: will look at survey

   sajkaj: is this reasonable

  Sampling & Reporting -- Initial Use Cases https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgiOg3CZz-LAVxRT0CWUTWHzyVa3UrjqdU4NvoyUZ_8/

   sajkaj: moving on to use cases

   sajkaj: leadership asking for more on conformance

   no timeline

   sajkaj: no timeline

   Wilco_: added item 7

   PeterKorn: EU wanting to track content

   PeterKorn: feels like consistently and monitoring

   PeterKorn: important to companies doing testing

   PeterKorn: judgement question

   PeterKorn: acknowledge tensions

   JF: part of much larger thing

   JF: propose WCAG 3 include protocols and exceptions

   JF: problem is reporting

   JF: making declarations

   JF: use standard document

   JF: include scoping

   JF: feels like simple solution

   <Wilco_> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/FPWD-Overview-test/saur/Overview.html

   sajkaj: seem to be simple examples to look at

   sajkaj: we have numbers

   sajkaj: can be quantified

   sajkaj: some are judgement calls

   JF: protocols are to qualify

   JF: can't measure but there are outcomes

   JF: things to keep in mind

   JF: can be adopted

   JF: how to standardize?

   JF: build out a list

   Wilco_: should we explore use cases

   PeterKorn: yes

   shadi: more background on what we are doing

   shadi: thinking should be more precise

   shadi: can conform without being tested

   PeterKorn: last time looked at high-level challenges, developed into use cases

   PeterKorn: created collection, then did a deep dive to understand

   PeterKorn: example travel reviews

   PeterKorn: created a greater or lesser control

   PeterKorn: led to proposals

   PeterKorn: can we try this again

   PeterKorn: turn scaling challenges to real world examples

   PeterKorn: help promote understanding

   PeterKorn: current doc way to skeletal

   sajkaj: in a year of work got one section into working draft

   sajkaj: how do we organize conformance for WCAG 3?

   sajkaj: have reminder we need to make practical for small companies

   sajkaj: not expecting perfection

   PeterKorn: offline can do a bit more work on media

   PeterKorn: sampling is way to tell with confidence to tell you where you are

   PeterKorn: accept there will be problems at level expected

   PeterKorn: won't solve all problems

   PeterKorn: sampling tells us we don't have major problems

   sajkaj: will still have to revisit

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


   Maybe present: PeterKorn, shadi


Janina Sajka
Accessibility Standards Consultant

Received on Friday, 15 October 2021 12:27:25 UTC