Re: Agenda for Silver meeting of Friday 8 October 2021


Apologies for that! I think we misunderstood the doc as draft responses to
github issues. That plan sounds good.

Thank you,


On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 4:33 AM Makoto Ueki <> wrote:

> Regrets for today.
> > agenda+ Alt Text Subgroup - Draft Proposal for GitHub Issues
> <>
> Thank you so much for having this on the agenda. I think it is out of
> scope for us to create new issues on the AGWG's GitHub about the existing
> WCAG techniques. So I'm not sure if it is appropriate for the Silver task
> force to spend time on this at the call.
> We'll keep using this Google docs for the subgroup's inner use. Once we
> are done with each draft proposal, we'll create an issue for each so that
> you could check them on the AGWG's GitHub.
> Please let me know if I should share what we've got in this document, I'll
> be happy to do it next week.
> Cheers,
> Makoto
> 2021年10月7日(木) 22:16 Shawn Lauriat <>:
>> agenda+ Sub-group
>> <>
>> updates
>> agenda+ Alt Text Subgroup - Draft Proposal for GitHub Issues
>> <>
>> agenda+ Placeholder guidelines
>> <>
>>  and the User Needs Vs. Functional Needs
>> <> mapping
>> structure volunteers?
>> Conference call info <> -
>> please sign up to scribe
>> <>!

Received on Friday, 8 October 2021 13:58:31 UTC