Re: Agenda for Silver meeting of Friday 8 October 2021

Regrets for today.

> agenda+ Alt Text Subgroup - Draft Proposal for GitHub Issues

Thank you so much for having this on the agenda. I think it is out of scope
for us to create new issues on the AGWG's GitHub about the existing WCAG
techniques. So I'm not sure if it is appropriate for the Silver task force
to spend time on this at the call.

We'll keep using this Google docs for the subgroup's inner use. Once we are
done with each draft proposal, we'll create an issue for each so that you
could check them on the AGWG's GitHub.

Please let me know if I should share what we've got in this document, I'll
be happy to do it next week.


2021年10月7日(木) 22:16 Shawn Lauriat <>:

> agenda+ Sub-group
> <>
> updates
> agenda+ Alt Text Subgroup - Draft Proposal for GitHub Issues
> <>
> agenda+ Placeholder guidelines
> <>
>  and the User Needs Vs. Functional Needs
> <> mapping
> structure volunteers?
> Conference call info <> -
> please sign up to scribe
> <>!

Received on Friday, 8 October 2021 08:34:01 UTC