Re: [Errors] Working Session Friday 11 June 2021

Present: Sarah and Todd (briefly!)

Updated Timeline <> to focus on getting content ready for August working draft. Reset milestones and timeline, aim to complete subgroup work by December 2021.
Split Errors Guidelines <> into documents for each guideline.
Continued work on Error Prevention Guideline <>, focusing on helping users avoid errors.
Started work on Error Notification Guideline <>, focusing on helping users recover when they experience an error.
Todd will continue work on Error Prevention guideline; Sarah will continue work on Error Notification guideline.
Jemma has access to Silver Github repository.

> On Jun 10, 2021, at 7:49 PM, Sarah Horton <> wrote:
> Friday, 11 June 2021, 10am–11:30am Eastern Time
> Call-in details at <>
> For these informal working sessions, we will have Zoom open and work together on errors-related documents and tasks. You are welcome to drop in and we can work together for as long as you have time, or just stop by and say hello!
> And please consider joining the subgroup — we need more active participants! You can learn about the work on the group’s wiki page: <>. And feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
> All best,
> Sarah
> Sarah Horton
> <>

Received on Friday, 11 June 2021 16:00:08 UTC