Re: [Errors] Working Session Friday 4 June 2021

Participants: Jemma, Todd, Sarah, Jeanne

Update from AGWG meeting: Error Prevention guideline not approved to include in next WCAG 3 working draft. Concerns about completeness and scoring. Group will address issues raised in survey <> and continue work on errors guidelines content.
Guidelines development:
Todd finishing up Required inputs identified method <>. Will indicate status when completed (ready for review).
Sarah to start building out Error Notification guideline <>.
Jemma to work on migrating content from Google Docs to Github.
Github workflow: Questions about how best to manage content once migrated. Decided to note status in Google doc and do content updates on Github rather than in the Google doc. Jemma will lead on setting up and managing Github branch and subgroup members will edit the branch. Jeanne noted that Michael will be defining a Github workflow for WCAG 3.
Errors Github issues: Discussed Feedback on WCAG 3.0 (How-To Design) (#473) <>, determined the issue was incorrectly assigned to errors subgroup. Jeanne will update.
Errors scoring proposal: Walkthrough of use of test credits to score methods and outcomes.
WCAG 3 Content Creation Process: Sarah to add details to Template for Content Creation Process for Migrating WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria (SC) <> about using flows/scenarios to identify user needs.

> On Jun 3, 2021, at 8:57 AM, Sarah Horton <> wrote:
> Friday, 4 June 2021, 10am–11:30am Eastern Time
> Call-in details at <>
> For these informal working sessions, we will have Zoom open and work together on errors-related documents and tasks. You are welcome to drop in and we can work together for as long as you have time, or just stop by and say hello!
> And please consider joining the subgroup — we need more active participants! You can learn about the work on the group’s wiki page: <>. And feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
> All best,
> Sarah
> Sarah Horton
> <>

Received on Friday, 4 June 2021 16:41:26 UTC