[Conformance] Our April Report for Tomorrow's Call


It has taken more time and effort than we anticipated, but our report is ready for your review and comments ahead of our virtual face to face Thursday 29 April.


So, while only a short window remains, reactions and suggestions are nevertheless welcome. Perhaps it might be best for responses to come in email on this thread.

The current draft relies heavily on content from our working Google document, but also attempts to articulate the 7 included use cases and candidate solutions as clearly as we were able. In this editorial work we have undoubtedly developed the argument beyond what we discussed during our teleconferences.

For that reason please note the document is still prominently marked as a "draft." This is important because, as we agreed during our last call, this is not a consensus position that we're advancing. Rather it is a collection of challenges and candidate solution approaches for further (and wider) discussion. Several notes throughout the document reinforce this point.

Anticipating developing all this further with your good assistance,



Janina Sajka
Accessibility Standards Consultant

Received on Thursday, 29 April 2021 01:01:06 UTC