correction: Survey on the Conformance Scope

I forgot to include the link to the survey:

I'm extending the survey time until the meeting on Friday 10th.



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:  Survey on the Conformance Scope
Date:  Thu, 2 Jul 2020 12:27:17 -0400
From:  Jeanne Spellman <>
To:  Silver Task Force <>

Tuesday we discussed a proposal on Conformance Scope.  I have set up a 
W3C Survey form (WBS).  Please take the survey so we can discuss the 
results at our next meeting on Tuesday, 7 July.

There is only one question.  Everyone is Silver is allowed to answer (if 
I set it up correctly). Please let me know if you have permission problems.


Received on Monday, 6 July 2020 14:25:07 UTC