Summary and Minutes of Silver meeting of 25 February 2020

== Summary ==

Since the Friday meeting, there are updates to the ED draft:

  * Plain language edits to the Scoring and Conformance section
  * Substantial edits to the Visual Contrast Method
  * Additional Scoring and Conformance edits

We discussed the edits to the Visual Contrast Method in more detail as 
Andy had done a lot of work completing the tabs, adding detailed 
explanation, code samples, and resources.  We discussed the problems of 
accessibly including mathematical formulas in HTML, and agreed to 
formally ask APA for advice.  We discussed simplifying some of the 
material in the How To, to make it more friendly to beginners and people 
who are interested in accessibility but not the technical details, like 
lawyers, regulators, and advocates.  We discussed moving some of the 
technical material in the Visual Contrast Method into a new method that 
is oriented toward tool developers to simplify some of the material in 
the Method.

We discussed reaching out to ACT to start putting ACT tests into 
Silver.  We agreed to add this to the list of agenda topics for the CSUN 
Face to Face (F2F).

There will be a survey for AGWG's Challenges document 
that the editors are interested in receiving Silver's feedback.

There will be a breakfast Tuesday morning March 10 
<> before the F2F meeting that 
Silver members attending the F2F are encouraged to sign up for.

== Minutes ==

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 15:57:58 UTC