Re: agenda for the Silver meeting of 7 August 2020

Small note and question here: I do like the table with the columns and
their information, BUT...

They feel like or are: 99% success criteria like /with the benefits /and
examples though, just like we have right now in WCAG (current actual SC are
even more strict / clear)

So, what do or did we gain here compared to WCAG 2.x / what makes the

Op vr 7 aug. 2020 om 14:43 schreef Jeanne Spellman <>:

> agenda+ Presentation of Conformance proposal for AGWG and Silver groups
> agenda+ Proposed changes to Functional Outcome structure
> == Links ==
> Proposed changes to Functional Outcome structure
> <>
> == Conference Call Info ==

Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2020 06:53:21 UTC