Issue Resolution Report and Request for Challenges FPWD


Those of us working on the Challenges document believe we've addressed all of
the various issues raised in github and across our several teleconferences
over the past weeks. This email is asking for your help in making sure we've
really done that.

Below is a summary of the various github issues grouped by status. A brief
disposition for each issue is included. To check text in the very latest, most
up to date draft, please look at our up to the minute Working Draft here:

We expect all these latest updates, plus a bit more will be in the Editor's Draft by the time
of the AG teleconference Tuesday.

Unless significant remaining issues are identified, we are expecting to
request an AGWG survey at that time on publishing a First Public Working Draft
(FPWD) in order to solicit comments and reactions from our friends and
colleagues in the wider web world.

Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing
Issue Status as of Saturday 7 December


11 github issues remain open as of this moment. All issues itemized below are
grouped by the following categories:

7 of these are marked for "triage," meaning we need additional discussion and
most especially feedback from a public review. These are the issues we will
ask the public to respond to, but if we should write more than we have now
before publishing, we very much need your specific suggested additional text.

4 issues are marked as requiring resolution before FPWD publication. Three will
be finished by Tuesday; the other later in the week as noted below.

6 issues itemized here are closed meaning we believe we've addressed the
issue in the latest draft. If you believe we should not have closed these,
please help by providing the additional text that would better address your
              NOTE: More issues were closed when their contents were merged into
              other issues.

***1.)   Triage Issues***

Item: Consider sampling strategies (as per WCAG-EM)
Issue 937: Marked for triage

Item: Is this a testability or conformance challenge?
Issue 940: Marked for triage by Alastair

Item: Are there limits to the accessible template approach?
Issue 943: Marked for triage
NOTE: Issues with related concerns have been merged into 943. as documented in

Item: Copyrighted content under Challenge 3
Issue 944: Marked for triage by Alastair.
NOTE: Paragraph on this point in the document under Challenge #3.

Item: Where should text spacing be handled?
Issue 946: Marked for triage by Alastair

Item: Is Challenge 3 also about user provided content?
Issue 947 is still open because Alastair marked it for triage. Else, we could
close it.

Item: Does 1.3.5 belong in Challenge #4
Issue 954: Marked for triage by Alastair

***2.)   FPWD Issues***

Item: Users don't see content under construction
Issue 941 FPWD: Reopened for a better explanation.

Item: Update Acknowledgements List
Issue 955 FPWD and assigned to Janina, for update week of 9 December.

Item: Reflow issue needs better description
Issue 960 FPWD

Item: Human review isn't all bad
Issue 986 opened for FPWD and (theoretically) assigned to @peterkorn.
Marked low priority by Alastair.

***3.)   Closed Issues***

Item: Document title isn't providing context
Issue 933 Closed: Titled changed to: "Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing"

Item: Urban metaphor is inappropriate
Issue 939 Closed: The urban infrastructure metaphor has been removed.

Item: Should guidance extend beyond websites?
Issue 945 Closed: OBE in Charter scoping.

Item: Challenge 1 should be renamed
Issue 956 Closed: Andrew's suggestion is now in the Editor's Draft. Other
topics raised in the discussion started by 956 have been moved to invidiual issues.

Item: Define "large, complex, and dynamic websites"
Issue 962 Closed: Terms glossary created in working draft branch with 3 definitions;

Item: Goals: Hard to find; need better explanation
Issue 972 Closed: Added Goals subsection to Intro; Still needs markup love for class and ID


Janina Sajka
Accessibility Standards Consultant<>

Received on Saturday, 7 December 2019 12:37:08 UTC