Minutes of the Silver meeting of 12 October 2018

Formatted minutes:

Text of minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                  Silver Community Group Teleconference

12 Oct 2018


           Charles, jeanne, mikeCrabb, LuisG, AngelaAccessForAll


           jeanne, Shawn



      * [2]Topics
          1. [3]updated IA prototype
          2. [4]draft of slide deck for TPAC meeting
          3. [5]Plain Language update
      * [6]Summary of Action Items
      * [7]Summary of Resolutions

updated IA prototype

    <jeanne> Mike: This is the new IA prototype I've been working
    on for a while. It's a combination of the IA, and a prototype
    of what the tagged information could look like.

    <jeanne> ... it allows people to show what they are looking

    <Charles> url?

    <mikeCrabb> [8]https://github.com/mikecrabb/silverTaggingAPI

       [8] https://github.com/mikecrabb/silverTaggingAPI

    <mikeCrabb> [9]https://silvertagapi.azurewebsites.net/

       [9] https://silvertagapi.azurewebsites.net/

    <jeanne> ... it is also an API to serve the data so that
    developers can create their own in-house tools. When people
    scrape WCAG for in-house tools, it is outdated when WCAG is
    updated. With an API, they can get the latest info.


      [10] https://silvertagapi.azurewebsites.net/api/guidelines


      [11] https://github.com/mikecrabb/silver_taggingSystemDemo


      [12] https://mikecrabb.github.io/silver_taggingSystemDemo/index.html

    <jeanne> Mike there is also a prototype for hte tagging system.

    <jeanne> ... if you view an individual guideline, you will see
    a list of tags to select to show methods.

    <jeanne> ... it has no data, just dummy text, so people don't
    get distracted by the text.

    <jeanne> Luis: In the View Methods, it is just a list of
    methods, I haven't added any tagging options for that yet.

    <jeanne> Jeanne: Existing WCAG - How to Meet:

      [13] https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?currentsidebar=#col_customize&tags=carousels

    <jeanne> Erik Eggert did much of this work on WCAG Quickref
    tagging. He is on the list of Observers attending Silver at
    TPAC. I think we could learn a lot from him about what he liked
    and didn't like from the development.

    <jeanne> Charles: In the WCAG Quickref, they display all the
    success criteria that don't apply in a grayed out state.

    <jeanne> Charles: I would like to see all the tags in the Quick
    Reference with the tags that we think should be in Silver and
    do a public card sorting exercise.

    <jeanne> Jeanne: We should ask how the list of tags were
    developed. It may have come through a card sorting exercise.
    This was developed by EO, which does a lot of usability

    <jeanne> Jeanne: I would like to see a list of all the
    guidelines, but maybe that isn't a good idea, because I don't
    like how I have to drill down in Silver.

    <jeanne> Charles: There is a lot of drill down. You have to
    select the Guideline before applying the filter. I would rather
    see a list of all the "mobile" methods.

    <jeanne> Mike: I could do that, and then give the related

    <jeanne> Charles: The labels in the navigation - The View
    Guidelines and View Methods - it's ambiguous. Change it to
    Guidelines and Methods.

    <jeanne> Charles: We are in an era of liquid expectations. We
    don't have a framework for comparison in other than a similar
    experience. Going into a large repository of information should
    be as easy as a comperable experience -- like retail
    e-commerce, where you start with a huge list, and narrow it
    down by search or by category and filters.

    <jeanne> ... so you are seeing 3 of 147.

    <jeanne> Shawn: We need to make sure it is clear that we are
    showing 3 of 147 and not that we are only show 3 per page.

    <jeanne> Charles: I like that it is accessible.

    <jeanne> Mike: I still have some more work to do on the
    accessibility, but it is all based around information, so it
    only needs styling.

draft of slide deck for TPAC meeting


      [14] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1V_nYD27N6kx8gRha0rrdQK8aKyvg7kKXu6rs44We7IU/edit#slide=id.p

    Lauriat: Jeanne and I put together an outline for approaching
    the TPAC meeting.
    ... want to give background and context before "active"

    <jeanne> scribe: LuisG

    Lauriat: first slide: same silver goals that we have in every
    presentation. Make it clear these are still the goals.
    ... after that, the goals of what we want to get out of TPAC:
    1) show prototypes and get feedback, 2) test prototypes, 3) get
    input from AGWG as stakeholders
    ... want to get people thinking about it, tell us what's
    missing, what might be good...getting as much feedback as we
    ... next, is a review of the work we've done so far
    ... then a timeline of milestones and then we'll talk about the
    prototypes before we test drive them
    ... with IA, we're just restructuring content. providing
    different way of getting the guidelines, etc. we have a diagram
    linking things together and then how WCAG content moves to

    <Charles> test

    <LuisG_> .. if they're moving into methods then they become

    <LuisG_> Charles: Do we have a slide later that says how we
    scale and how new content gets put into Silver?

    <LuisG_> Jeanne: Not yet.

    <Lauriat> 4.1.1 "In content implemented using markup languages,
    elements have complete start and end tags, elements are nested
    according to their specifications, elements do not contain
    duplicate attributes, and any IDs are unique, except where the
    specifications allow these features."

    <jeanne> The example shows how Readable could have a minor
    rewording and be a technology neutral guideline. The Example of
    4.1.1, it is very technology specific and should be a method.

    <jeanne> Charles: It could be reworded to be more generic.

    <jeanne> Shawn: I think it all boils down to "did you code it
    correctly?" and those should be technology specific.

    <jeanne> ... we could say "did you use the technology
    correctly?" and then most/all of Robust would then become

    <Lauriat> Success Criterion 3.2.2 On Input Changing the setting
    of any user interface component does not automatically cause a
    change of context unless the user has been advised of the
    behavior before using the component.

    <jeanne> ... we have an example of PRinciples becoming tags
    where a guideline has multiple tags. We also have an example of
    an existing success criteria where multiple principles apply.

    <jeanne> Jeanne: I asked for help creating a diagram to show
    how WCAG content moves to Silver

    <Lauriat> Original 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value: For all user
    interface components (including but not limited to: form
    elements, links and components generated by scripts), the name
    and role can be programmatically determined; states,
    properties, and values that can be set by the user can be
    programmatically set; and notification of changes to these
    items is available to user agents, including assistive
    technologies. (Level A) Note: This success criterion is
    primarily [CUT]

    <jeanne> Shawn: Plain Language - we describe how the plain
    language prototype has been developed.

    <Lauriat> Translation Name, Role, Value: Make interface
    semantics and actions accessible for assistive technology
    (formerly WCAG 4.1.2) Summary All interface semantics -
    annotations that help assistive technology know how to interact
    with your website or application - must be accessible for
    assistive technology by using Accessibility API conventions.

    <jeanne> Shawn: I did make some changes so that Name, Role,
    Value is technically correct.

    <jeanne> ... Translation

    <jeanne> Name, Role, Value: Make interface semantics and
    actions accessible for assistive technology (formerly WCAG

    <jeanne> Summary

    <jeanne> All interface semantics - annotations that help
    assistive technology know how to interact with your website or
    application - must be accessible for assistive technology by
    using Accessibility API conventions.

    <jeanne> It can be wordsmithed, but it is clear, shorter, and
    uses the correct terms.

    <jeanne> ... the power of the plain language example is that it
    shows how it can be presented in a technology-neutral manner.

    <jeanne> ... we are not proposing final language.

    <jeanne> Charles: We may want to include the WCAG 2.1 tag
    numbers. Legacy people will look for it by number.

    <jeanne> Shawn: I don't think we want it for tags, but we would
    want people to be able to search for it.

    <jeanne> Jeanne: Search for 4.1.2 and get the result of Name
    Role Value. It wouldn't have to display "4.1.2" anywhere.

    <jeanne> Shawn: On Conformance, we want to give people an idea
    of what we are working on around Conformance because it is not
    ready and then discuss it with people later.

    <jeanne> ... We aren't going to talk about Requirements because
    the COnformance prototype isn't ready yet.

    <Lauriat> 1. Test the maintainability of the Information
    Architecture - specific tasks to accomplish. - Take a WCAG 2.1
    proposal that didn’t make it in, and break it up into pieces
    and write it for Silver.

    <jeanne> ... then we will talk about the Test Drives. We have 3
    that we want to do.

    <jeanne> {see the line above for the first 1 of 3)

    <Lauriat> 2. Test the plain language style guide - pick a WCAG
    SC and re-rewrite it.

    <Lauriat> 3. Card deck of desirable tags - [talk to Charles
    about the How to Meet tags and confirm he wants to do it]

    <jeanne> Charles: The way to do it live in room. Parent
    categories in a room on the board and the sticky notes with
    potential tags and putting the tags on the board where they go.

    <jeanne> ... in a closed card sort, you control the categories.
    In an open card sort, cluster them how you think they make
    sense and categories emerge.

    <jeanne> ... if time permits, it can be done pretty quickly.

    <jeanne> ... if it is important, we could put it up on a
    service like Optimal Sort, then the time and space are less

    <jeanne> ... it may be able to be run for free.

    <Charles> [15]https://www.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort

      [15] https://www.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort

    <jeanne> zaim, take up next

Plain Language update


      [16] https://w3c.github.io/silver/prototypes/PlainLanguage2/index.html

    <jeanne> here's the link to the new prototype with some of hte
    Section Heading data. I got most of the way through the
    Planning and Design tabs.

    <jeanne> We will talk about it on Tuesday

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Saturday, 13 October 2018 15:38:57 UTC