Help with diagrams and illustrations?

The Silver project need some help with diagrams and illustrations for 
the Silver prototypes.  We are getting into a11y conference season, and 
we will be making a presentation of the Silver prototypes and workflow 
for a number of conferences and meetings. None of the active members are 
graphic designers. We can draw the basics, but we would like some help 
creating some illustrations or diagrams that communicate some complex 
interactions clearly.

If you can give us some help with one or more of the diagrams below, 
please contact Jeanne at

 1. *Information Architecture* (original diagram which needs some minor
 2. *How the existing WCAG structure moves to Silver* (new)
 3. *Silver Conformance *(slide 20 of
 4. *Example of a usability test* (from sketches at:

You may have suggestions for other illustrations, please feel free to 
suggest them.


Received on Thursday, 4 October 2018 16:36:43 UTC