Minutes of Silver meeting of 27 July 2018

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Text version of minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                  Silver Community Group Teleconference

27 Jul 2018


           AngelaAccessForAll, Jemma, Charles, KimD, jeanne,
           Lauriat, kirkwood, mikeCrabb, LuisG, Jan


           jeanne, Shawn



      * [2]Topics
          1. [3]Recruiting outside prototypes (Charles Hall email
             8Jul/0035.html )
          2. [4]Usability Testing plan
          3. [5]Questions for EO for Prototypes
          4. [6]Silver Requirements update action items
          5. [7]Certification and labeling
      * [8]Summary of Action Items
      * [9]Summary of Resolutions

    <Charles> sorry. resolved.

    <scribe> scribe:Jemma

Recruiting outside prototypes (Charles Hall email

      [10] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2018Jul/0035.html


      [11] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2018Jul/0035.html


      [12] http://code.viget.com/interactive-wcag/#role=&level=aa


      [13] http://code.viget.com/interactive-wcag/#role=&level=aa

    <jeanne> [14]http://rishida.net/wcag/#_

      [14] http://rishida.net/wcag/#_


      [15] https://www.w3.org/International/techniques/authoring-html?collapse

    <Lauriat> +1 to testing their prototypes and getting them

    <KimD> *It's webaim

    luis: will there be a version similar to other w3c spec?

    jeanne: yes
    ... static document, usable version of silver doc will be there
    so that people can find it.

    <mikeCrabb> wcag [16]https://github.com/w3c/silver/projects/1

      [16] https://github.com/w3c/silver/projects/1

    <Charles> ideas: track the urls of prototypes; recruit the

    <Lauriat> Nice! +1 to Mike's idea for tracking this progress.

    jeanne: mike, can you look at the requirement doc whether you
    can see the change/feedback I made?

    mikecrabb: yes

    charles: having git hub for this is good so that we can
    market/socialize but we would need to have someone to review


      [17] https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZXrFRmkB0O-RvYWD-frzzWUBFskloI5immHBwx38W0/edit

    crab: I think we can quickly go over this based on previous

    <jeanne> New Prototype measuring font sizes

      [18] http://nosetothepage.org/TextAccessibility/FontCompare.html

    jeanne: if you are not comfortable with working with git, you
    can add info to the above google doc.

    <Jan> I will help look at Wayne's prototype

    jeanne: he would like to get some input regarding his new
    prototype measuring font size.

    cibele: we can also look at other style guide examples too.

    zkim, take up next

Usability Testing plan

    jeanne: I do have an author who offered us to use their formal
    usability testing lab at the end of Sept.
    ... Shawn and I met Education Outreach Working group and EOW
    gave some suggestions.
    ... we can talk about this in detail at next meeting agenda

    charles: Next thing to do is identifying / soliciting
    participants for the testing -rolling base usability testing.

    jan: what kind of usability testing mix, lab testing or remote
    user testing, are you thinking?

    jeanne: my thinking is starting remote feedback regarding our
    prototype and improve, then open to formal usability testing.

    we need to consider geographic diversity too.

    mikecrabb: I can help with that my lab and resource

    cibele: Also I can help to reach the audience in Canada

    mikecrabb: so usability testing on Sept is good since I will
    have returning students to participate the testing

    <Jan> Yes, sorry ... I mistyped my caller ID#, so I think I am
    call-in user 2. Sorry, Jemma!

    <Charles> I think there will be a broad mix of testing types.
    Moderated and unmoderated. Remote and lab. Flow; click;
    preference; tree; etc.

    <Charles> for the IA and information design testing, I would
    include a tree test like:

      [19] https://www.optimalworkshop.com/treejack

    jeanne: Jennison sent an email regarding IA help to the

    <Charles> anything moderated will need a moderator and a
    moderator guide

    mikecrabb: we also have some prototype to look into.

    jeanne: please contact/identify/gather usability experts to get
    help on usability testing.

    jan: I would like to suggest adding meeting topic to talk about
    criteria for recruiting the participants and more.

    <Charles> if we get the “other prototypes” project set up in
    GitHub, I will sociallize it

Questions for EO for Prototypes

    jeanne: I shared require doc and three prototypes with EO
    ... there were suggestions regarding what to be evaluated or


      [20] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DvMcgEqUDY0_13hqJeeGpYHa1gX4YCK0sVBvahodERc/edit

    jeanne: I also work with angela what would be the possible
    questions regarding plain language,
    ... please share some feedback about this survey before we send
    this out to the list.

    charles: how do we add feedback to the survey since the form
    would not allow adding comment?

    lauriat: If it is simple comment, email will be fine.
    otherwise, we can use google doc.

Silver Requirements update action items

    jeanne: jennison, Mike and I are working on each silver
    requirement doc.

    <jeanne> Jennison has drafted a response

    <jeanne> Mike and I did updates

Certification and labeling

      [21] https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/19)

    <jeanne> Add Certification and Conformance Claims to the
    Conformance prototype

    <Jan> I would like to work on the concerns expressed by Mike

    jeanne: that will be great, Jan

    shawn: this may be relevant to conformance model which Silver
    will end up.

    <Jan> +1 to postponing that aspect of issue 19 until we have
    more guidance on how to address it.

    Group talked about how to manage this feedback in git hub

    so that the group can keep track of suggestions and feedback
    according to the timeline.

    no problem.

    RESOLUTION: Close Issue 19 as the Requirements document changes
    and open a new issue with the Conformance and Certification

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

     1. [22]Close Issue 19 as the Requirements document changes and
        open a new issue with the Conformance and Certification

Received on Friday, 27 July 2018 21:20:07 UTC