Minutes of Silver TF meeting of 28 November 2017

Formatted minutes:

Text of Minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                     Silver Task Force Teleconference

28 Nov 2017


           jaeunjemmaku, Imelda, jeanne, Charles, Josie, Shawn,


           Shawn, jeanne



      * [2]Topics
          1. [3]San Diego face-to-face meeting logistics
          2. [4]San Diego face-to-face meeting structure of the
      * [5]Summary of Action Items
      * [6]Summary of Resolutions

    <scribe> scribe: jeanne

    Jeanne: Mike Paciello has arranged for a room at San Diego
    State University

    Shawn: Start time, end time, food, live captioning or ASL

    Jeanne: We aren't required to use to use the SDSU food service.
    THere are local restaurants who will deliver. I think I have
    the food donation covered.

    Shawn: Live captioning won't be a lot of help when we break
    into groups for the design part.

San Diego face-to-face meeting logistics

    zakim take up item 2

    Charles: I recommend a different structure
    ... start with a design statement
    ... who the solution is designed for, could be done with a jobs
    list and a jobs story format.
    ... document on Google drive
    ... Insight vs Personas

    Shawn: I think we don't need personas for every thing, but
    personas are useful when we think about how we present the
    information for different tasks: Like checking compliance, or
    looking for a design pattern.
    ... that is important for information architecture

    Charles: We need to understand the goal and intent of the
    person using it.

    Ryan: I'm having my own conversations around color issues.
    There are people who are experts on accessibility for PDFs.
    They have specific needs and there are certain questions that
    they won't have to ask or consider, and there are certain
    things that are more important. I think we should consider
    goals of the person.
    ... for example: Developers can make changes with javascript,
    designers can make changes upfront.

    Shawn: We have a stakeholder list, we can look at the
    intersection of use, and select the ones that give us a good
    cross section for use cases.

    Jennison: In the example of the PDF user, how would you handle

    Charles: Personas often omit the goal of the user and the
    problems they have. In the case of the PDF example, the task is
    identified, the goal. They don't have specific persona. It
    doesn't matter if they are young old or visually impaired, they
    are coming to WCAG with accomplish a task.
    ... I'm suggesting we have the job story format.

    Ryan: I've found that food metaphors work really well. Our
    people -- the designer or developer -- makes their cake or
    souflee in different ways. If we draw analogies to cooking, we
    would look at the tasks that the designer or developer does.

    Jeanne: I sent David a link to the document and asked him to be
    at the meeting on Friday.

    Charles: Looking at the Stakeholder Spreadsheet. I propose
    adding a colunm for certification. Does it fall under an
    existing category?

    Shawn: Each of the definitions in the Stakeholder Map errs on
    the side of vagueness rather than specificity.
    ... there is a role of professional industry/organization.

    Jennsion: There are two pieces of certification: Administration
    and developing

    Charles: I don't see anything under research.

    [scribe missed the resolution of this]

San Diego face-to-face meeting structure of the event

    Shawn: Problems to address:
    ... inclusion of more disabilities
    ... easier to tell how well you conform
    ... easier to maintaion
    ... how do we make accessibility guidelines easier to use for
    all the uses that people have? A common feedback is that WCAG
    is hard to use.
    ... Looking at the structure of the day, I think we should have
    problem statements and break people into small groups to
    address the individual problems.

    Jennison: IF we go ahead with SDSU, can we get extra rooms?

    Jeanne: I can ask.

    Jennsion: I think we should ask for 5 rooms.

    Shawn: 3 problem statements: conformance, maintenance and

    Jeanne: I think we started with talking with the first day
    being panel discussions of the

    Shawn: First half of first day be panel discussions on the
    problem statements
    ... second half of first day split into groups and do
    brainstorming activities -- no boundaries, just ideas
    ... first half of the second day is rough prototyping of the
    ideas -- like a couple rough prototypes and walk them through
    the prototypes of conformance model.
    ... repeat for each of the problem statements

    Jemma: Are we going to have experts in each room?

    Jeanne: We could, we want to have a variety of experts on each
    of the issues. We don't want an echo chamber.

    Jennison: We want to make sure there is a balance of people in
    each group.

    Jeanne: And we need to do that this week.

    Jemma: I can put together information from the literature
    ... I have data on usability and conformance, but I don't have
    much on maintanence.

    Shawn: We have the information architecture around the
    ... the numbering scheme discussion comes to mind: How do we
    add new information without a confusing number scheme?

    Jemma: Can jennison and Jeanne write up what the maintenance
    problem is, and I can look for it in the background literature

    Charles: I see two problems: governance of the documentation
    and research that feeds it -- changes in the industry and new

    <Charles> i can write an example job story for each row in the
    stakeholder spreadsheet

    Jennsion: can we get access to the data from Sarah's project?

    <scribe> scribenick: jeanne

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2017 17:48:36 UTC