Minutes of the Silver Task Force meeting of 17 March 2017

Members of the Silver Community Group,

Before sending out these minutes, I noticed that all the notifications 
of Task Force action items are being sent to the Silver Community Group, 
which I think is noise for the Community Group.  I will work on getting 
those notifications transferred to another mailing list.


HTML formatted minutes:

Text of Minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                     Silver Task Force Teleconference

17 Mar 2017

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-irc


           Sarah, Jan, Shawn, Jeanne


           jeanne, shawn

           jeanne, jan


      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Researcher update
          2. [5]Timeline update to multi-thread the research
          3. [6]Create the onboard documents for all our active
             areas where we need help
          4. [7]Outreach to new members
      * [8]Summary of Action Items
      * [9]Summary of Resolutions

Researcher update

    <jeanne> scribe: jeanne

    Sarah: I spoke with researchers from MSU yesterday
    ... They want to do a survey and would be looking at the
    current state of how WCAG supports people with disabilities and
    what user groups see are absent from addressing their needs. 6
    months effort. The deliverable with be the survey and a short
    writeup of their findings.
    ... How will they make use of the stakeholder list?
    ... we need to talk about how we will share the stakeholder
    ... they need to work with their IRB about what they are doing
    ... I said I would get back to them today.

    Jan: How are we going to document it? Will it be in the
    researcher tracking sheet?

    Sarah: Dave set up the project trracker.

    <SarahHorton> Project tracker: Link for particiants on call

      [10] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bsqv595CnSzmUa2Tv53duudNvn_ExTW6xGx-6_ECM7c/edit#gid=55201506

    [this is not a public link because it contains personal contact

    Sarah: I don't see that we have any surveys yet.

    <scribe> ACTION: Jan to work with Jeanne and Dave to draft the
    policies for using the stakeholder list. Also involve
    researcher. [recorded in

      [11] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action01

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-73 - Work with jeanne and dave to
    draft the policies for using the stakeholder list. also involve
    researcher. [on Jan McSorley - due 2017-03-24].

    Sarah: Pete McNally has also proposed a research project is
    also a survey followed up by interviews. Deliverables will be
    report and maybe a set of personas.
    ... his focus is on UX professionals. He will look at
    researchers and designers. The questions he will address are:
    ... how well the structure serves these groups
    ... how well the structure serves learning and retention
    ... how accessiiblity supports business goals
    ... what are the reasons that accessibility is not on the
    critical path of business
    ... how could we communicate the importance of accessibility to
    the business community
    ... what aspects of WCAG do people drop
    ... what aspects of WCAG would people like to change
    ... he had a question of how much of the research he could do
    at conferences

    Jeanne: As long as the research is valid

    Jan: I would be concerned about diversity of the population,
    and a systematic approach

    Sarah: But there is no restriction on talking about the work
    and Bentley's involvement.

    Jeanne: He can't say he is doing it officially on behalf of the
    W3C, but he can say that he is working with the Silver task

    Sarah: Do we have an answer on do we want the raw data.
    ... Pete is estimating a 2 month effort.

    Jeanne: We had better figure out the stakeholder name policy
    soon, if he is doing a 2 month effort.

    Sarah: Do we want to have a QA pass on the quality of the
    survey before it goes out?

    Jeanne: I want to do a quick check for W3C issues before it
    goes out. I think if they are using our Stakeholder list, then
    we need to be responsible for making sure it is generally ok.

    Sarah: The Research and Development Task Force might be able to
    help us.
    ... I'm ok with saying that if they are using our stakeholder
    list then we should look at it. We can also offer it as
    optional for other groups, but require it if they are using our
    stakeholder list.

    <scribe> ACTION: jeanne to follow up with Jason White about
    helping review surveys. [recorded in

      [12] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action02

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-74 - Follow up with jason white about
    helping review surveys. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due

    <scribe> ACTION: jan to follow up with Dr. Butler to help with
    research validity review [recorded in

      [13] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action03

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-75 - Follow up with dr. butler to
    help with research validity review [on Jan McSorley - due

    Jan: I'm still in the beginning of communication. I have 8
    researchers I am working with. Sherry is helping me with ours.
    ... I made some modifications to the template form. I made a
    folder on Google drive for each researcher, so they can put
    documents there.
    ... I set up a long email to join the community group and
    relevant links.
    ... I say that the folder is restricted to the Task Force and
    the individual researcher

    Jeanne: We could put the portion of the stakeholder list that
    they are interested in, in that folder.

Timeline update to multi-thread the research


      [14] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yqbKKSDAsQ9KkuXhxa5di30CmZHpj4npZMoUDKRhSNU/edit#gid=0

    <scribe> scribe: jan

    Jeanne: We have broken the research into 2 phases
    ... Phase one is about structure and scope and phase 2 is about
    content (e.g. are the needs of people with disabilities being
    addressed, etc.)
    ... Phase 2 is more about what is going to be IN the guidelines
    and so research related to phase 2 can run until July 2018
    ... For researchers that want more time, we can recommend that
    they focus on research related to content

    Sarah: I would recommend changing the start date for phase 2 to
    the same start date as phase 1

    Jeanne: We are pushing the due date for research projects
    identified to March 31
    ... We need to start working on the stake holder interview,
    which is pushed off until April 2017
    ... Jemma is working on the literature review, but we pushed
    that due date out to December 2017
    ... We added dates to start working on a W3C workshop around
    CSUN where we would invite our researchers to deliver their
    papers at the W3C workshop. Day 1 would be paper presentations
    and day 2 would be a day of finding solutions.
    ... Before CSUN, maybe have a pre-CSUN weekend where the W3C
    workshop would be conducted. Researchers and developers would
    be invited so that we could come up with some prototypes for
    ... Our goal would be to announce the workshop at the same time
    CSUN announces their call for presentations so that people have
    time to prepare.

    Sarah: We all need to be on the same page when we are talking
    about prototypes
    ... I don't think we would need to have developers and CSS
    people to help with that

    Jeanne: Politically, there are a lot of advantages to having
    something that people can look at and vote on before having to
    have a charter approved.
    ... I believe it would help us get the pressure to make things
    go through smoothly. I think it's important to let people see
    the package, not just the standards document.

    Sarah: I am a little concerned about the emphasis being on the
    coding part, where the key to success is the substance of the

    Jeanne: When I picture this happening, I picture groups of
    people making multiple prototypes. It's like having functional

    Sarah: It's the substance of the document that we are focusing
    on, not the information architecture.

    Jeanne: First we are building the structure of the document and
    then we are putting the information into the structure.

    Sean: The prototyping we are wanting to do is to determine
    whether this prototype meets the needs of specific use cases;
    it's not that it's centered around coding, but we are going to
    need some coding to answer some of the usability questions we
    have about how we're going to improve the usability of the

    Sarah: I just think we need to be careful about how we talk
    about the prototype so that we are not talking about it as
    though we are doing user testing

    Sean: It's really more about understanding the needs of our
    stakeholders and coming up with ideas, based on the research
    and getting some ideas that will move the work forward

    Sarah: One prototype might be a wall covered in post-its too,
    so I just wanted to make sure that we're all thinking about it
    in the same way.
    ... The reporting, analyzing, interpreting has been moved to

    Jeanne: We can move it back to April since we now have some
    researchers that will be done by then.
    ... Starting next fall we are going to have a double set of
    needs on this task force because we are going to have
    researchers who will be working on phase 2, but we will also
    have to have people who can help with analyzing the findings of
    phase 1
    ... We need to get more people into the task force because
    there is going to be too much to do.

    Sarah: What are we doing to get people into the task force?

Create the onboard documents for all our active areas where we need

    Jeanne: We started a list of things that need to be in an
    onboarding document for resarchers, for surveys, for people who
    want to do interviews, and for anyone who joins the community
    group but doesn't want to attend meetings
    ... We talked about putting these "documents" in several
    ... Shawn suggested that we resend the welcome email where we
    link to specfic tasks that people may want to choose in order
    to help with Silver work (e.g. if you want to help with
    surveys, link here - if you want to help with interviews, go
    ... To make edits to the community group, you need to know HTML
    to do it because it is in Wordpress
    ... The advantage to using the WIKI is that only people on our
    taskforce can make changes to the WIKI

    Shawn: For these kinds of pages where there are not going to
    frequent changes, then people can make suggestions to the list
    to change that information, so for "Welcome, here's how you get
    started" pages, we can just stick that in the WIKI
    ... For information that may get changed more frequently, maybe
    we could put those in the community group.

    Sarah: I think Wordpress is easier than the WIKI and in the
    WIKI, it can be hard to create effective architecture

    <jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne to create onboard documents for
    researchers and for helping with surveys [recorded in

      [15] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action04

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-76 - Create onboard documents for
    researchers and for helping with surveys [on Jeanne F Spellman
    - due 2017-03-24].

    Jeanne: I think it has a lot to do with what you are used to.
    We should probably be flexible and do both without duplicating
    effort and having the same information in both pages.

    Correction - "in both places"

    Jeanne: Our emails to the public silver group are going to the
    community group; we are not requiring them to come to meetings,
    but they are welcome to if they are interested

Outreach to new members

    Jeanne: I think we have a certain amount of personal outreach
    that we need to do. I talked to a number of people who
    expressed interest at CSUN that I need to follow up with

    Sarah: I feel like, because I did an initial outreach to the
    stakeholder group, I would love to do 1 more email to everyone
    that I initially emailed that contains information on how to
    get engaged with Silver, and then close out those personal
    communications from me.

    Jeanne: For example, for those who only want to answer surveys,
    you will start to receive information from the April - June
    timeframe and for people who want to do more, we give them
    additional information on how to be more involved.
    ... I think we can start using members of the Community Group
    as extended members of the task force.

    Sarah: I could make a mailing list for Jeanne and/or Shawn to
    send out the communication. We also might want to close the
    stake holder list since we have the community group.

    Jeanne: Do we have all of the stake holders we need in certain

    Sarah: I think we can move forward. Our researchers will know
    if we don't have enough people to fill certain roles, but our
    researchers have enough connections to fill in

    *jan to jeanne - I am fine just listening and typing

    Jeanne: I am fine with closing the stake holder list if Sarah
    is good with it.

    Sarah: We have only have about 5 submissions since February, so
    I would vote for closing it and then doing an email to all of
    the stakeholders about how to get involved.
    ... will take the action of closing out the stakeholder
    submission form

    <jeanne> ACTION: jeanne with Shawn to draft a message to all
    the stakeholders informing them that we expect surveys to start
    in April - June, and invite those that want to contribute more
    to join the community group [recorded in

      [16] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action05

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-77 - With shawn to draft a message to
    all the stakeholders informing them that we expect surveys to
    start in april - june, and invite those that want to contribute
    more to join the community group [on Jeanne F Spellman - due

    <jeanne> ACTION: Sarah to close the stakeholder form and
    stakeholder list [recorded in

      [17] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action06

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-78 - Close the stakeholder form and
    stakeholder list [on Sarah Horton - due 2017-03-24].

    <jeanne> jan: be clear in the message to stakeholders that the
    surveys will extend beyond April - June and there will be
    multiple surveys

    Jan: make sure that in the communication about surveys, that
    you make it clear that the surveys will start between April and
    June, but that there will be multiple surveys that will go
    beyond June. They are not just going to start in April and end
    in June.

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: jan to follow up with Dr. Butler to help with
    research validity review [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Jan to work with Jeanne and Dave to draft the
    policies for using the stakeholder list. Also involve
    researcher. [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne to create onboard documents for
    researchers and for helping with surveys [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: jeanne to follow up with Jason White about
    helping review surveys. [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: jeanne with Shawn to draft a message to all the
    stakeholders informing them that we expect surveys to start in
    April - June, and invite those that want to contribute more to
    join the community group [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Sarah to close the stakeholder form and
    stakeholder list [recorded in

      [18] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action03
      [19] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action01
      [20] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action04
      [21] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action02
      [22] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action05
      [23] http://www.w3.org/2017/03/17-silver-minutes.html#action06

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Sunday, 19 March 2017 23:46:13 UTC