Researcher survey update

Hi all

Regrets for today’s call. Here’s a quick update on the researcher survey.

We’ve had 15 responses so far. I’ll be following up people who were invited to respond but who haven’t done so yet. 

The intention is to review all responses next week, and identify what kind of participation each respondent is able to offer. From a quick scan, we have a good range of responses, including several people willing to work with us to use Silver research activities for student projects.

Suggested next steps:
* Review and collate responses
* Identify potential research activities that we could propose to each research contact, based on the Silver Research Projects list and the responses received.
* Create a simple project management plan for research activities
* Assign a Silver TF partner for each research contact, who can act as a liaison/client for the research activity

I’ll make sure I’m on next Friday’s call, so we can discuss this topic in more detail, if necessary.


David Sloan

UX Research Lead
The Paciello Group

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Received on Friday, 20 January 2017 14:23:19 UTC