Minutes of Silver Task Force meeting of 17 January 2017

Formatted minutes:

Action items:
*[NEW]**ACTION:*Shawn to write a draft outline for presentation and the 
town hall session [recorded 

Text of minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                     Silver Task Force Teleconference

17 Jan 2017

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/17-silver-irc


           jeanne, Sarah, Shawn

           Dave, Jemma




      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Research status and next steps
          2. [5]Stakeholder gaps status and next steps
          3. [6]Next step for Stakeholders
          4. [7]CSUN preparations - Tweet draft & outlines
          5. [8]Longer-range Silver planning
      * [9]Summary of Action Items
      * [10]Summary of Resolutions

Research status and next steps

    SL: David sent out the research survey and has already received
    ... they have been recorded in the spreadsheet of the survey

    SH: I contacted all of my contacts

    Sarah will reach out to Rachael to ask her to contact her

    David's email ->

      [11] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2017Jan/0039.html


      [12] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/94845/researcherSurvey201701/results

    SL: There are 9 responses already

    SH: Dave has agreed to head up the User Research and the
    Background Research project, but he cannot attend Tuesday

    SL: Looking over the responses, there are people who are
    interested in all the areas we need help on. There is also
    someone who wants to help us with analyzing the responses.
    ... Dave and I thought it was better to combine the Research
    effort since the researchers are taking aspects of the same
    ... For Friday's meeting we need to do more long range planning
    of the Research phase.

Stakeholder gaps status and next steps

    SL: Last week we went over the gaps


      [13] https://docs.google.com/document/d/132b4XZFOTQikKAmsRuc4Q_NvuhUqsRzX5JZ3iynKzxg/edit

    SL: The general section refers to all the categories that are
    for people that are not in the accessibility community


      [14] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XK_evYulIaLsYOlMjuDOC763xWL2TOM9SvPjRX_d9ag/edit#gid=0

    JS: We lost the minutes from last week. Friday the 13th errror

    SL: Here is a picture of the overall map. Most of the gaps were
    expected based on the way we did the Stakeholder Survey

Next step for Stakeholders

    JS: How are we going to confirm that these people and
    organizations want to participate?

    Shawn: We need to confirm that they are interested and exactly
    what roles they want to provide perspective on.

    SH: For example, if we wamt to ask them now accessibility
    designers use WCAG, we have a bucket of people to ask that
    ... we want to make sure the bucket is full, and that we have
    sufficient variety of buckets.
    ... it doesn't mean we are going to have a phone call with
    every individual.
    ... I don't think we need to do the outreach.

    s/ do the outreach. / do the outreach now.

    JS: There are advantages to doing it now, having firm numbers
    of people who are interested will help with the validity of the

    Sarah: Have we taken action items to fill the gaps?

    Shawn: There are a lot of action items that we took from
    Friday's meeting.

    Jeanne: We should quickly review the list of gaps on Friday's
    meeting to give more people a chance to take action items to
    contact their own contacts.

CSUN preparations - Tweet draft & outlines

    SL: Tweet draft came out of the Google team plan for Google's
    tweeting. They will advertise the session as well. We want to
    write a draft of what to say. We want to make sure that it is
    clear that Google is hosting, it is not a Google session. But
    they will help us advertise it.

    JS: IDEA: Exciting new owrk on future #WCAG 3 (name TBD) hosted
    by Google at #CSUNATA2017. Find out and give your thoughts
    ... Exciting new work on future #WCAG 3 (name TBD) at
    #CSUNATA2017. Find out and give your thoughts.
    ... Exciting new work on future #WCAG 3 (name TBD) at
    #CSUNATA2017. Find out and give your thoughts. Fri, Mar 3 at
    3:20 PST at [room #]

    <Lauriat> Google Suite, Seaport G, 3:20pm

    Draft is in the meeting notes doc ->

      [15] https://docs.google.com/document/d/132b4XZFOTQikKAmsRuc4Q_NvuhUqsRzX5JZ3iynKzxg/edit#heading=h.ngrpl24bwcik

    CSUN's hashtag they have set up is #CSUNATC17

    <scribe> ACTION: Shawn to write a draft outline for
    presentation and the town hall session [recorded in

      [16] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/17-silver-minutes.html#action01]

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-50 - Write a draft outline for
    presentation and the town hall session [on Shawn Lauriat - due


      [17] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Design_Plan_for_Silver#Timeline

Longer-range Silver planning

    Shawn: Taking a look at the timeline, we are a little behind,
    but not a lot behind. We finished the Stakeholder Roles by the
    13, and we orginally scheduled it for the 31 December.


      [18] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yqbKKSDAsQ9KkuXhxa5di30CmZHpj4npZMoUDKRhSNU/edit#gid=0

    Sarah: I like using this timeline, because it is more granular.

    [review timeline]

    <Lauriat> Public map:

      [19] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/128vPnCweXN9t4JBG7-AOeBhT-KquaWXcCsi3H-f8u94/edit#gid=0

    <Lauriat> HTML Version:

      [20] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/128vPnCweXN9t4JBG7-AOeBhT-KquaWXcCsi3H-f8u94/preview

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Shawn to write a draft outline for presentation
    and the town hall session [recorded in

      [21] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/17-silver-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2017 15:52:41 UTC