RE: Minutes of the Silver Subgroup Teleconference of 18 Apr 2017

Hi all,

Thanks for meeting on Tuesday and going over the survey.  Here is the next version of the survey.  I tried to cut down on the number of open ended questions as people tend to skip those and  that will take more time to analyze.

*      I may move the UX demographic question to the end of the survey as I want people to get to the questions on the guidelines first.

*      I have two questions that ask about the specific list of guidelines.  I listed out all the guidelines in summary form.  This will be easier to tabulate and analyze.  I took the text from the WCAG summaries of  ( and

Please let me know if you have any wording changes, etc.

I was thinking it would be good to launch the survey on May 18 since it is Global Accessibility Awareness Day and also I can promote the survey at the UXPA Boston 2017 conference on May 19 ( which I will be attending.


From: Sarah Horton []
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 10:29 AM
To: Silver TF <>
Subject: Minutes of the Silver Subgroup Teleconference of 18 Apr 2017

18 Apr 2017

   See also: [2]IRC log




          Jemma, Jeanne, PeteMcNally, SukilKim, Jennison








     * [3]Topics

         1. [4]Check in with Pete McNally

     * [5]Summary of Action Items

     * [6]Summary of Resolutions


   <scribe> Scribe: Sarah

Check in with Pete McNally

   Pete: Shared preview of survey

   Plan to send out in a few weeks

   Pete: Survey is aimed at UX role, first question is to define


   ... Next question about how long in field

   ... Next, how much does accessibility figure in position

   Sarah: Add question about how much time spent on accessibility

   Jeanne: Concern about number of questions

   Jennison: Has seen time question as percentage of time, how

   much of your time is spent

   Pete: Describe how you are involved with accessibility, free

   text input

   ... Getting more description there

   ... Trying to make the text input bigger, so it's multi-line

   ... How do you learn about accessibility topics, want to see if

   they have go-to places

   Jennison: Ask whether they have people they go to, "colleague"

   Jeanne: Would be helpful to create subset of questions, e.g.,

   demographic questions, that we could include on every survey

   Pete: Are you familiar with WCAG guidelines, yes/no

   ... There's not skip logic currently, but may skip past next

   questions about the guidelines if they say no

   ... How well does the structure support learning and


   ... Question is from the Silver research questions

   ... This will be a good prompt for interviews

   Jennison: Would be good to interview people who are and aren't

   using WCAG

   Pete: Which guidelines are most important to you, people who

   aren't as familiar might have different ways to remember and

   reference guidelines

   Jemma: Which are important to you in your work? Might be good

   to add context

   Pete: When you're engaged in your work activities, will make

   this more specific

   Sukil: Should we be asking a question about which device the

   person is using to complete the survey?

   Pete: Sounds like there will another survey that is focused on

   accessibility issues for people with disabilities

   ... Could gather more information about what platform people

   are working in

   ... Will add a question to the demographic questions

   ... How can the guidelines be improved to help respondent do

   their job

   ... Last question, asking if respondent is interested in phone


   ... Will go back to goals and make sure not missing key

   questions, also balancing length of survey

   ... Will map survey questions to research questions in Google


   ... Does not have schedule, will want to get it out fairly

   soon, end of month

   ... Has a couple of ways to reach out on mailing lists

   ... Also LinkedIn, Bentley network, students from classes

   ... Open to other suggestions

   Jennison: Will help get the word out through meetups

   ... Can also share at work

   Jeanne: Can filter stakeholder list and share with Pete

   ... First need to send follow-up to stakeholders

   Pete: Please look at intro text to make sure it's correct

   <scribe> ACTION: Jeanne to review Pete's survey and follow up

   with Pete [recorded in



   <trackbot> Created ACTION-82 - Review pete's survey and follow

   up with pete [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-04-25].

   Pete: Will update the survey and follow up with Sarah

   Jemma: Question about which guidelines are most helpful to work

   is very interesting

   Jeanne: Would be a good question to have on all surveys

   <jemma_> jemma: I am really excited about finding out answers

   on which guidelines are most important to UX professionals!

   Sarah: Meeting with MSU team this week

   <jemma_> jemma: no update from my research partners

   <jemma_> jeanne: does Jan have any updates?

   Sarah: Will reach out to Jan

   Jemma: What should be the procedure for posting research


   Jeanne: Let's put that on Friday agenda

   Jemma: Will send Jeanne email with discussion topic

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne to review Pete's survey and follow up with

   Pete [recorded in



Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]


Sarah Horton
UX Strategy Lead
The Paciello Group
603 252-6052 mobile

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Received on Thursday, 20 April 2017 17:25:50 UTC