RE: Timelines



Found minor differences of same milestone by a day, so no quibbles.


Regarding Silver FPWD Public Review Period Ends, public shows Dec 4th, internal shows Jan 4th.  I think that’s because we want to relieve internal pressure but keep external motivations in place.






From: Rachael Bradley Montgomery <> 
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 9:48 AM
To: Silver Editors <>; AGWG Chairs <>
Subject: Timelines




I believe I have brought the HYPERLINK "*__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!NV9K7eFXyLVNR5nyGZ3HQdMdfz5VK-tb4e0K8vpF8rP3sf9BFeRI-0iZpg4PkMFVYg$"working schedule and the HYPERLINK ";!!GqivPVa7Brio!NV9K7eFXyLVNR5nyGZ3HQdMdfz5VK-tb4e0K8vpF8rP3sf9BFeRI-0iZpg5oHnzNbw$"public timeline up to date and mostly in synch. Two actions:


1. Please review the working schedule and correct any errors


2. We agreed that we would hold the deep dive on Silver FPWD issues in January.  The wiki says we were still closing public comment on December 5th.  I think we should extend public comment until January 4th but didn't want to make the change without agreement. Thoughts?







Rachael Montgomery, PhD

Director, Accessible Community



"I will paint this day with laughter; 

I will frame this night in song." 

 - Og Mandino


Received on Monday, 21 September 2020 16:10:38 UTC