Connecting ShEx to industrial modelling

Hi folks,
my name is Merlin and I am studding informatics at RWTH Aachen and work 
with SOPTIM AG where we develop software for the European transmission 
system operators (ENTSO-E [1]) on top of semantic web technologies, 
namely CGMES based on RDF [2].

In summer 2018 I wrote a seminar paper with reference to SHACL and ShEx 
supervised by Michael Cochez at RWTH Aachen. I've tried to find a way 
of translating OCL invariant rules from a UML based modelling process 
to evaluable SHACL or ShEx rules. The idea behind this was to connect 
industrial modelling standards to RDF data validation.

Currently I set up my thesis in a connected area, revisited my paper 
and remembered that Michael asked me to send my results over to your 
working group as starting point for further thought. Feel free to read 
through the results in my repo [3] and if interested post questions.

Have a nice holiday and greetings from Aachen

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>

Received on Friday, 13 December 2019 13:41:14 UTC