I was speaking with Tom and Karen about ways to make ShEx more approachable for non-programmers by allowing an alternative syntax to ShExC and JSON. Ruby is often used for creating Domain Specific Languages, which take advantage of Ruby syntax to make programming seem less like programming. This is done, not by writing a parser, but using Ruby Blocks and instance methods to describe behavior. Examples of popular DSLs in Ruby include ActiveRecord [1]. RDF.rb uses DSLs for writing queries [2] and ActiveTriples[3] which uses an ActiveRecord-like syntax for accessing objects in a graph.

As an example of what a ShEx-like DSL might look like, I took to do a pseudo-translaction of my DOAP schema [4]:

      PREFIX doap:  <>
      PREFIX dc:    <>
      <TestShape> EXTRA a {
        a doap:Project;
        doap:developer IRI;
        doap:implements    [<>]

Which might look something like the following:

      ShEx:DSL do
        prefix doap: ""
        prefix dc:   ""
        prefix rdf:  ""

        withGraph "etc/doap.ttl"
        matchNode "", using: "TestShape"

        describeShape "TestShape" do
          allowProperty "rdf:type", atLeast: 0.times
          expectProperty "rdf:type", toInclude: "doap:Project", exactly: 1.times
          matchAll do
            matchEither do
              expectProperty "doap:name", exactly: 1.times
              expectProperty "doap:description", exactly: 1.times
            matchEither do
              expectProperty "dc:title", exactly: 1.times
              expectProperty "dc:description", exactly: 1.times
        end, atLeast: 1.times
        expectProperty "doap:catagory", atLeast: 0.times
        expectProperty "doap:developer", toInclude: {node ofType: IRI}
        expectProperty "doap:impelements", toInclude: ""

This makes use of ruby Ruby block-syntax (do…done) to describe behavior using instance methods within different class instances. The outer-most DSL describes prefix mappings, associates a graph to match (could be provided separately), and, in this case, a single node map to “TestShape”.

“TestShape” is describe as a shape with either TripleExpressions (expectProperty), or shape expressions. The outer-most is taken to be a matchAll (EachOf).

I’d be interested if there is interest in such an approach. Of course, this takes advantage of Ruby syntax, and to make something interoperable might require a parsable grammar. But, at least for Ruby, this might provide some advantages over raw ShExC/J.

Perhaps we can add an agenda item for Tuesday.

Gregg Kellogg


Received on Sunday, 8 October 2017 21:48:57 UTC