tree results from repeated capture groups

You seem to be a bit of a regexp geek so I'm contacting you out of the
blue with a crackpot question.

Given a pattern with repeated capture groups, e.g. /(a(b)*(c*))*/,
why don't any tools (that I've seen) return a tree of solutions?

Using javascript notation because it's in every browser console:
returns (the matched text and) three capture groups:
  ["abbcccacc", "acc", undefined, "cc"]
Presumably, these are the matches from the last nested captures. Adding
distinct markers confirms this:
  ["a1b2b3c4c5c6a7c8c9", "a7c8c9", undefined, "c8c9"]

Why not something a bit more informative like a tree of the matched

    ["a1b2b3c4c5c6", ["b1", "b2", "b3"], ["c4c5c6"]],
    ["a7c8c9", [], ["c8c9"]]

Note that does the one level of this where:
  1. [0-12] `a1b2b3c4c5c6`
  2. [4-6] `b3`
  3. [6-12] `c4c5c6`
  1. [12-18] `a7c8c9`
  3. [14-18] `c8c9`
There's no nested capture of b1 and b2 but there is:
  Note: A repeated capturing group will only capture the last
  iteration. Put a capturing group around the repeated group to
  capture all iterations or use a non-capturing group instead if
  you're not interested in the data

If the automata coding the beginning of a capture group essentially
null out all of the nested capture groups (how we get an undefined for
the empty capture of (b.)* above), it seems like they could just as
easily push a new empty capture group. We can mechanically synthesize
this tree by iterating through the repeated groups, providing ranges
of 1:
    ["a1b2b3c4c5c6", "a1b2b3c4c5c6", "b3", "c4c5c6"]

and recursively visiting each capture group

    "a1b2b3c4c5c6".match(/a.(b.){1}((?:c.)*)/) -> "b2"
    "a1b2b3c4c5c6".match(/a.(b.){2}((?:c.)*)/) -> "b3"
    "a1b2b3c4c5c6".match(/a.(b.){3}((?:c.)*)/) -> null; next group
    "a1b2b3c4c5c6".match(/a.(b.)*((?:c.)*)/) -> "c4c5c6" done
    note that "(?:c.)*" is not captured so we don't iterate there.
  ["a1b2b3c4c5c6a7c8c9", "a7c8c9", undefined, "c8c9"] recurse nested...

So my real question is, if this is so easy, why don't implementations
do it? (Am I the first person on earth to think this would be useful?)


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