Hi Kurt, Vladimir,
Do you have links to both these projects? I miss SPIN for refactoring SPARQL queries.
Either project could be very interesting for our structured SPARQL examples project.
sib-swiss/sparql-examples<https://sib-swiss.github.io/sparql-examples> for SIB resources
wikidata (work in progress)
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Jerven Tjalling Bolleman
Principal Software Engineer
SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
1, rue Michel Servet - CH 1211 Geneva 4 - Switzerland
t +41 22 379 58 85
Jerven.Bolleman@sib.swiss - www.sib.swiss
From: Vladimir Alexiev <vladimir.alexiev@ontotext.com>
Sent: 24 September 2024 09:34
To: Kurt Cagle <kurt.cagle@gmail.com>
Cc: David Habgood <dcchabgood@gmail.com>; Public Shacl W3C <public-shacl@w3.org>
Subject: Re: SHACL to SPARQL
> Flores Bakker has been working on an rdf representation of sparql
SPIN has (had) that.
Whereas for SHACL Compact, we are considering a grammar by the Allotrope Foundation that does the opposite:
Incorporates the SPARQL grammar into the SHACL Compact grammar, so you don't write SPARQL as mere strings with no checking and language assistance.