SHACL with RDF Datasets

Hi all,

I'm wondering whether there's been any new thoughts or development to this[original email]( extending SHACL to work with RDF datasets.

My use case is to acquire values that satisfy both thesh:class​ andsh:node​ definitions from a specific named graph and use these values in a SHACL UI autocomplete widget. I'm usingshx:targetGraph​ from[Extending SHACL to RDF Datasets]( Please see the example property shape below.

Currently, SHACL operates on a single data graph. Without RDF dataset support, implementing a general SHACL UI tool capable of editing data across data graphs becomes challenging.

Would extending SHACL to support RDF datasets be a candidate for the next SHACL version?

Alternatively, is there another technique or approach I could consider?

Looking forward to any thoughts or suggestions!



:Dataset-keywords a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:name "Search Words" ;
sh:path sdo:keywords ;
sh:class skos:Concept ;
shx:targetGraph <urn:graph:vocabs> ;
sh:node [
sh:property [
sh:path skos:inScheme ;
sh:hasValue <> ;
] ;
sh:property [
sh:path skos:prefLabel ;
dash:propertyRole dash:LabelRole ;
] ;
] ;
sh:order 3 ;
sh:group :Dataset-metadata-group ; .

Edmond Chuc

Knowledge Graph Senior Developer



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Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 08:27:38 UTC