Re: sh:in is closed vs sh:hasValue is open

Which semantics?

     has all the values (and maybe some others)


     has at least one of the values (and maybe some others)

If (1) then :hasAllValuesIn seems more accurate.

If (2) then :hasOneOf or :hasSomeValuesOf


On 04/06/2020 15:08, Vladimir Alexiev wrote:
>  > Harvard
> I must be blind. Or maybe confused Havard and Harvard :-)
>  >  confusing to have a new constraint component with exactly the same 
> local name. I would prefer having some difference in the name e.g., 
> dash:inOpenList
> But we're proposing a different local name: *dash:valueIn*. It uses 
> parts of sh:in and sh:hasValue to show the relation.
> Or would you prefer the slightly longer *dash:hasValueIn *?

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2020 22:45:56 UTC