Re: More questions about negation and uniqueLang

Hi Simon,

Thanks for clarifying this.

So it is also not legal to use [sh:uniqueLang true ] inside sh:or, sh:and, etc. And same for [sh:minCount 1 ] and [sh:maxCount 1].

This makes more sense now. And it’ll simplify my SHACL engine :)


> On 22 May 2019, at 11:41, Simon Steyskal <> wrote:
> Hi!
>> Could anyone share some insight into how this was meant to work? Maybe
>> it was discussed while the SHACL standard was created?
> The issue with your example is that sh:not expects a well-formed shape which [sh:uniqueLang true] isn't. In fact, says:
> .) A property shape has at most one value for sh:uniqueLang.
> .) Node shapes cannot have any value for sh:uniqueLang.
> This works in
> ex:NotExampleShape
>  a sh:NodeShape ;
>  sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
>  sh:not [
>   a sh:PropertyShape ;
>   sh:path ex:name ;
>   sh:uniqueLang true ;
>  ] .
> ex:peter a ex:Person ;
> ex:name "name"@en ,  "name2"@en  .
> ex:peter2 a ex:Person ;
> ex:name "name"@en   .
> ex:peter3 a ex:Person ;
>   ex:name 1   .
> =>
> [
>  a sh:ValidationResult ;
>  sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ;
>  sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:NotConstraintComponent ;
>  sh:sourceShape ex:NotExampleShape ;
>  sh:focusNode ex:peter2 ;
>  sh:value ex:peter2 ;
>  sh:resultMessage "Value does have shape Blank node _:n1032" ;
> ] .
> [
>  a sh:ValidationResult ;
>  sh:resultSeverity sh:Violation ;
>  sh:sourceConstraintComponent sh:NotConstraintComponent ;
>  sh:sourceShape ex:NotExampleShape ;
>  sh:focusNode ex:peter3 ;
>  sh:value ex:peter3 ;
>  sh:resultMessage "Value does have shape Blank node _:n1032" ;
> ] .
> br simon
> ---
> DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
> www:  twitter: @simonsteys
> Am 2019-05-22 10:39, schrieb Håvard Ottestad:
>> Hi,
>> I have some more questions about negation and uniqueLang.
>> This is my SHACL:
>> ex:PersonShape
>>  a sh:NodeShape  ;
>>  sh:targetClass foaf:Person ;
>>  sh:property ex:PersonShapeProperty .
>> ex:PersonShapeProperty
>>  sh:path foaf:name ;
>>  sh:not [sh:uniqueLang true ].
>> Essentially. Every person may not have names that are unique by their
>> language tag.
>> Here are three examples.
>> ——————
>> ex:peter a foaf:Person ;
>>  foaf:name "name"@en ,  "name2"@en  .
>> ——————
>> ex:peter a foaf:Person ;
>>  foaf:name "name"@en   .
>> ——————
>> ex:peter a foaf:Person ;
>>  foaf:name 1   .
>> ——————
>> I would argue that at the first dataset should be valid, the second
>> should be invalid and the third is somewhat undefined.
>> I have tested these examples against the TopBraid reference
>> implementation, which doesn’t implement this functionality. It also
>> doesn’t implement  sh:not [sh:minCount 1 ] og sh:not [sh:maxCount 1 ].
>> Here is the kind of error message I get:
>> SHACL Validation Failure: No suitable validator found for constraint
>> Constraint UniqueLangConstraintComponent at
>> be6038563d3eba1a2f570dfa212bc4bd
>> Could anyone share some insight into how this was meant to work? Maybe
>> it was discussed while the SHACL standard was created?
>> Cheers,
>> Håvard

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2019 10:51:39 UTC