GraphQL and SHACL

One of the capabilities for SHACL that is not yet standardized is a compact syntax. As part of the WG effort, a draft of the proposed compact syntax was developed, but, due to the time constraints, finalizing this work was deemed out of scope and to be addressed in the community group.

In the last 6 months or so we, at TopQuadrant, have been experimenting with the use of GraphQL and GraphQL schemas. GraphQL is already widely used and interest in it is rapidly growing. We see its design and capabilities as well aligned with SHACL, making it possible (among other things) to use GraphQL as a compact syntax for SHACL.

Results of our work will be presented in upcoming webinars: <> this Thursday June 21st (9 am EDT) and also next week, Friday, June 29th (4pm EDT) - 2 timeslots are available to better accommodate different time zones. However, both webinars will cover the same content.

If you are interested in this topic, please join the webinars and provide feedback.


Irene Polikoff

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2018 14:37:06 UTC