Re: Service or repository of SHACL rules available? (like LOV or

Hi  Vladimir,

thanks for trying this SHACL service. I tried it your way, but could not 
find any problems. At you can see a 
fourth entry, which represents the "SHACL shapes for RDF Data Cube".

I entered "SHACL shapes for RDF Data Cube" as title and description and 
used the raw RDF file 
"" for the 
SHACL files field. It finished with a success message. Can you give me 
more information, so that i can reproduce the error(s)?

>> srekl:ShapeInfo
> Hmmm, is this really necessary?
> TQ's has set an example for using owl:Ontology to "package" shapes, e.g. see
> It also uses the standard owl:imports mechanism to bring in dependencies (e.g. RDFS subclasses or function/shape libraries).
> However, I think that also an rdfs:isDefinedBy link should be added to every shape, pointing back to the ontology.

Using ShapeInfo was just a simple vehicle to group up meta data about a 
collection of shapes. Using owl:Ontology and owl:imports would transform:

> :AdultShapeInfo
>     rdf:type srekl:ShapeInfo ;
>     dc11:title "Defines an adult person (foaf:Person)" ;
>     dc11:description "This rule describes a foaf:Person, which is considered an adult." ;
>     dc11:creator <> ;
>     srekl:shacl-file <> .


> :AdultShapeInfo
>     owl:Ontology ;
>     dc11:title "Defines an adult person (foaf:Person)" ;
>     dc11:description "This rule describes a foaf:Person, which is considered an adult." ;
>     dc11:creator <> ;
>     owl:imports <> .

, doesn't it? I kinda like it. Any remarks here? Will see, if i can 
implement that soon.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / Kinda regards
Konrad Abicht

Leipzig University
Institute of Computer Science
AKSW Group

Received on Monday, 28 August 2017 08:13:26 UTC